How to Get Deliverance from the Leviathan Spirit

deliverance from leviathan spirit

The cherub Lucifer (Satan) fell due to pride (Isaiah 14: 12-14). When he tempted Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, they fell due to pride. They desired to be like God, pride enter them, and pride has persisted in the hearts of humanity ever since. Consequently, Leviathan has acquired a legal right to permeate the human bloodline across generations. It could be argued that a significant number of believers in Christ are unknowingly infested with Leviathan. This demon operates subtly, lurking beneath the surface, leading believers to believe that it does not exist in them, and they do not require deliverance.

According to the scriptures, it is stated that Leviathan reigns as the king over the children of pride (job 41: 34). If you observe any or all of the following characteristics in a believer, church, or situation, you can be certain that Leviathan is actively involved among the demons. Please note that the subsequent list it’s not exhaustive, but rather highlights some of the  traits associated with Leviathan.

Characteristics of Leviathan

      • Pride

      • Haughtiness

      • Inflated ego

      • Superiority

      • Arrogance

      • Condescending

      • Cutting tongue

      • Gossip

      • Critical tongue

      • Vanity

      • Opposes the glory of God

      • Know it all spirit

      • Intellectualism

      • Unteachable

      • Twist truth

      • Miscommunication

      • Spiritual blindness

      • Divides relationships

      • Anger

      • Irritability

      • Self-righteousness

      • Legalism

      • Quarreling

      • Involvement in Freemasonry*

      • Involvement in Misthraism*

      • Blood sacrifices

      • Profane worship of other gods

    deliverance from leviathan spirit

    So, how do we get rid of Leviathan? The most effective, quick, and easy way to remove him and those below him is from the courts of heaven. Doing it from there, you have the legal backing of the court and the assistance of the angels. Remember that as believers we are seated in Christ in heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6), so it is time that we start operating from there. We do not have to wait until we die to step into heaven.

    Steps to remove Leviathan or any other demon:

      1. Request access to the Court of Records from The Father.

      2. Instruct the angel clerk at the Unwanted Guest Registry to sort The Registry for Leviathan.

      3. Inquire with the angel clerk about the number and location (spirit, soul, body) of the Leviathans.

      4. Repent for your own sins and the sins of your ancestors that granted Leviathan a legal right to be present. Utilize the outline characteristics above as a guide for identifying areas of repentance, and be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit for additional insights.

      5. Request that the Lord Jesus Christ nullify the bloodline curse of Leviathan.

      6. Ask the Lord Jesus to bind and remove all Leviathans (in spirit, soul, and body) as well as their subordinate demons.

      7. Request that the Lord to close any portals that Leviathan utilized for entry or concealment.

      8. Ask that The Rescue angels be sent to retrieve the spirit, soul, and body fragments of the individual undergoing ministry from various places of captivity such as other times, dimensions, galaxies, the sea and other locations. The registry can also tell you where they are.

      9. Entreat the Lord to remove all Leviathans and any other demons from those fragments and any dissociative identity disorder (DID) parts.

      10. Request that the Lord to purify with his blood and restore those fragments, and reintegrate them into the person.

      11. Ask the Lord to align the person’s times and seasons with his plan for their life.

      12. Open the Silver Portal and request that the Escorting Angels transport through the portal, any lingering human spirit(s) (LHS) in the body, soul, spirit, of the person, who were held captive by the demons under Leviathan. Instruct the LHS to ask the Lord for mercy when they stand before Him.

      13. Request that The Escorting Angels also transport through the portal other lingering human spirits in the person’s body, soul, spirit, who were not under captivity by demons under Leviathan. Advise the LHS to request mercy from the Lord when they stand before him.

      If you would like more information about the Court of Records and lingering human spirits visit the shop section of and get the books: Engaging the Courts for Ownership and Order,  Lingering Human Spirits Unraveling the Mystery Vol. 1 & 2, by Dr. Ron M. Horner.

      On this website you can also schedule an advocacy session with us. We will address not only demons but also other issues such as the enemy’s accusations, false verdicts, lingering human spirits, sickness, witchcraft, and other matters affecting you and your family.

      Salvation Prayer:

      If you are reading this blog and have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, and you desire to receive Him now, please recite this prayer out loud:

      “Lord Jesus, I recognize that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I ask you to forgive my sins and cleanse them with your precious blood, which you shed to pay the penalty for my sins. I believe that you are the Son of God and that you died and rose again on the third day. I invite you to come into my heart and life as my Savior and Lord. With your help, I will live for you until the day you call me to heaven to be with you. Thank you, Lord.”

      If you sincerely prayed that prayer in faith, welcome to the family of God. Begin reading your Bible and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to guide you to a good church where you can grow in your relationship with Him.


      *Recommend you first read: 1) Overcoming the False Verdicts of Freemasonry. 2) Freedom from Mithraism

      *Visit the shop section of to get these 2 books.
