Loosening Captives

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How to break hidden nuptials, how to break demonic spiritual marriages, como romper pactos satanicos
How to Remove Hidden Nuptials
A hidden nuptial is an ungodly spiritual marriage with a person(s), human systems, or demonic entity,...
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seated with christ in heavenly places, authority of the believer
How to Operate in Our Authority as Believers
We are living in the last days, and the level of spiritual warfare is intense. However, as believers...
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How to Align your Spiritual Star
We all possess a star, bestowed upon us by God The Father, guiding our journey. Just as Jesus had a guiding...
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How to Deal with Evil Birds
The Book of Revelation 18:2 discusses the unclean and hated birds that inhabit the spiritual realm known...
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How to Bring God's Kingdom to your City
The calling of The Ecclesia or The Lord Jesus Christ’s Church is to bring the principles of the Kingdom...
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How to Destroy Evil Altars Against You
The Bible discusses the altar of the Lord, where many Bible patriarchs brought sacrifices and worshiped...
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