Can Born Again Christians be Cursed?


Curses are the consequences of sin and iniquities that come upon a person, family line or people groups.  Curses have perpetuity and remain intact until they are intentionally broken and in the right way.

Adam and Eve fell into sin by succumbing to Satan’s deception and disobeying God, resulting in death and curses. Adam was doomed to toil the land with hard labor and Eve’s childbirth was intensified. From that first act of disobedience, humanity has been prone to sin and has suffered the consequences of death and curses ever since.

Yes, people reap what they sow, and will die in their sin if they don’t repent (Ezekiel 18:18-20), but they can also suffer because of the sins and iniquities of their ancestors (Exodus 34:6-7).

Ezekiel 18:18-20 says that the soul that sins it shall die, and that the son will not be responsible for the father’s sins and vice versa.  Exodus 34:6-7 says that God will visit the sins and iniquities of the fathers upon the third and fourth generation (in other words in perpetuity).

These two scriptures seem to contradict one another; however, there is really no contraction. If one sums up  these scriptures they are saying that the innocent will suffer consequences from their ancestors’ evil deeds, for example if a father is a drunkard the children will suffer, but until the innocent children willingly join in the wickedness of their father, they will not be personally accountable.

One of the redemptive works that the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished at Calvary and His resurrection was to free us from curses. The scriptures say that He became cursed so that we who believe in Him can be free of curses (Galatians 3:13); However, just like salvation, you have to appropriate it by faith and intentionally break these curses.

Go to the Heavenly Court of Cancellations and confess and renounce your sins and iniquities and those of your ancestors. Listen to the Holy Spirit who will tell you specifically for what to confess and repent. Then, apply the blood of Jesus to those sins and iniquities and ask the just judge for restitution for anything lost because of these curses upon you and your family. For more details about the courts of heaven visit the Shop area of .

Many Christians’ problems can be traced down to something evil that happened in the bloodline many years ago. It’s negative pattern(s) (or something similar) keeps repeating itself. How ever the curse came into a person’s life, the good news is that the Lord Jesus Christ is the curse breaker, and He has given believers the ability to break these curses off one’s life and future generations.

If you desire assistance in addressing deliverance and inner healing matters, please visit the services section of the website mentioned above and schedule advocacy sessions with us. We will address challenges such as curses, the enemy’s accusations, false verdicts, lingering human spirits, demonic oppression, sickness, witchcraft and other issues affecting you and your family. By seeking resolutions in the courts of heaven, our aim is to offer guidance, support, deliverance and inner healing. 

Salvation Prayer

If you are reading this blog but you are not sure that you are saved or born again. If the Lord Jesus Christ is not your Lord and Savior and you want to receive Him into your life, pray this prayer in faith out loud:

Lord Jesus I ask you to forgive me of my sins. Wash them away with your precious blood that you shed on Calvary’s Cross to pay the penalty for my sins.  I turn away from my sins and stop trusting my own works to get me to heaven.  I believe that you are the son of God, and right now I receive you into my heart and life as my Lord and Savior.

If you prayed this prayer welcome to the family of God.  Start reading the Bible and ask the Lord to lead you to a good church where you can grow in the things of God.
