How to Heal Prenatal Emotional Wounds

how to heal emational wounds

The Prenatal World of Awareness and Response

Today, it is widely known that fetuses are aware of their surroundings outside their mother’s womb and respond accordingly. In his groundbreaking book, The Secret Life of the Unborn Child,” Thomas Verny, M.D. delves into the fascinating realm of prenatal psychology and highlights the profound influence that a child’s early experiences in the womb can have on their attitudes and expectations about themselves and the world they are about to enter. According to Verny, a child’s perception of happiness, self-worth, and security is shaped, in part, by the messages they received during their prenatal development.

The Bible surpasses Dr. Verny’s insight when it declares in Job 32: 8, “But There is a spirit in man, and the breath of The Almighty gives him understanding.” From the very moment of conception, God imparts His spirit to the tiny dot of flesh, enabling the developing baby to perceive and understand its surroundings beyond the confines of its mother’s womb. This divine breath grants the child the ability to discern whether they are wanted or unwanted, if their parents desire a different gender, or if they are considered an inconvenience. Even the circumstances of conception, such as being conceived out of wedlock, are sensed, and experienced by the child in their spirit, leading to feelings of rejection.

The Curse of the Bastard

According to John and Paula Sandford of Elijah house, a child conceived outside of marriage carries within them the knowledge of their origin, feeling the weight of rejection associated with the Curse of the Bastard described in Deuteronomy 23:2. Additionally, this child bears the burden of their mother’s shame, absorbing the emotional weight of her guilt and shame.

According to John and Paula, teenagers who attempted suicide did so in the same month when their mothers had attempted to abort them and displayed similar patterns of self-harm. If a child perceives that they are unwanted, they may develop a performance-oriented mindset upon birth, believing that they are loved only if they can prove their worth. Alternatively, they may enter the world with a subconscious desire for death, leading to various forms of illness as they truly do not want to exist. Moreover, these children may experience profound insecurity and crave an insatiable amount of affection as they seek to answer the question, ”am I truly wanted?” On the other hand, they may reject all displays of affection and unconsciously declare, “if you do not want me, I will not love or form a bond with you”.

Many of the emotional and psychological problems that we encounter can be traced back to various forms of trauma experienced during our time in the womb. The Lord Jesus Christ offers the promising solution of healing for these issues. Currently, the bride of Christ (The Church) has entered a phase wherein she can actively participate in the heavenly courts, surpassing the efficacy of earthly prayers. By engaging in this higher realm of adjudication, legal matters concerning our cases (prayers) are swiftly and durably resolved. Therefore, take the following

Ten steps to healing from the courts of heaven:

  1. Instruct your soul to step back and remain silent, while inviting your spirit to come forward and actively engage in the heavenly courts.
  2. Request entry into the Court of Records from The Father.
  3. Summon the archives of your conception until delivery, and have it presented.
  4. Call upon the Lord Jesus Christ to travel back in time to the specific period(s) during gestation when the trauma or rejection occurred.
  5. Request the Lord Jesus to softly speak into the baby’s ear, reassuring them with the following words: “I do not make mistakes or create anything worthless. I planned for you to be here. I deeply love you. Even before you were in your mother’s womb, I knew you (Jeremiah 29: 11). I intricately formed you in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139: 13). You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), destined for good works that you will fulfill (Ephesian 2:10).”
  6. Beseech the Lord Jesus to eradicate feelings of rejection, shame, abandonment, and pain from the child in the womb, and to bring healing to his/her heart.
  7. Then, as an adult, declare, “I forgive my mother and father for rejecting me, conceiving me out of wedlock, abandoning me, and any other offenses.”
  8. If a counselor is present to assist, have them state, “I declare you forgiven for any resentment you held towards your parents.”
  9. Express gratitude to the Lord and The Court for documenting the proceedings in your personal records.
  10. Always remember to rely on the Holy Spirit when performing court work, as He might instruct you to proceed to another court and attend to a related or different matter. Therefore, maintain flexibility.

If you desire additional information regarding The Court of Records, visit the shop section of and acquire the book titled “Engaging the Courts of Ownership and Order,” by Dr. Ron M. Horner.

On this website, you can schedule an advocacy session with us to address inner healing issues, demonic oppression, the enemy’s accusations, false verdicts, lingering human spirits, sickness, witchcraft, and other matters that affect you and your family.

Salvation Prayer

If you are reading this blog and have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as savior and Lord, and you desire to receive him now, please recite this prayer out loud:

“Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I ask you to forgive my sins and cleanse them with your precious blood, which you shed to pay the penalty for my sins. I believe that you are The Son of God and that you died and rose again on the third day. I invite you to come into my heart and life as my savior and Lord. With your help, I will live for you until the day you call me to heaven to be with you. Thank you, Lord.”

If you sincerely prayed that prayer in faith, welcome to the family of God. Begin reading your Bible and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to guide you to a good church where you can grow in your relationship with him.
