Can Born Again Christians be Indwell by Demons?


The idea that Christians cannot be indwelled with demons is a North American belief propagated by famous preachers many of whom have never done a single deliverance. This belief cannot be proven scripturally, and my personal experience also contradicts it.

Christians can be indwelled by demons and it is usually more than one. Those who oppose this notion argue that the Holy Spirit cannot dwell with demons and they use 2 Corinthians 6:14-18; however, this scripture doesn’t say that they cannot dwell together but that they should not dwell together.

What many believers fail to realize is that we are spirit, soul and body, and that our spirit is the only part that gets regenerated at the new birth, and that is where the Holy Spirit lives. Demons, however, inhabit the other two unregenerated or unsubmitted to Christ parts, the soul and body. This is why the bible says that the believer must renew his/her mind daily with the Word of God and crucify his/her body daily.  Sanctification is the process through which this is accomplished. 

The Holy Spirit lives in our spirit and demons in our soul and body, so they do not dwell together. 

Christians can have demons for various reasons but one main reason is that they were born with them due to generational iniquities. It’s not just the color of your eyes that you inherit from ancestors.  People come to Christ but their demons remain in them. If the preacher or church teaches that Christians can’t have demons many can suffer for years (like I did) before they start on the path toward deliverance and inner healing.

Demons do not automatically leave at the new birth, they have to be cast out. In many instances in the Bible, we see Jesus and his disciples casting out demons out of people and their sicknesses leave them (Acts 16:18, Luke 11:14, Mathew 8:16, Mark 1:39).

It is important to know that anywhere there is or has been brokenness, trauma, rebellion, unconfessed sin, lack of submission to Christ, demons have an open door and a legal right to be there. Confession and renouncing of sin is a must if you hope to get rid of demons.  Coming into the courts of heaven to look at your Guest Registry is a sure way to find out who is invading you and then take appropriate action to cast them out (to find out more about the courts of heaven go to the Shop section of

When Jesus referred to the children’s bread in Mathew 15:26 it was in the context of deliverance from a demon that was tormenting the daughter of the Syrophoenician woman. If deliverance from demons is for his children, that means that they can and do have demons (inside and out Christ didn’t differentiate).

Because many do not get rid of these invaders, they suffer with illnesses, especially mysterious illnesses, erratic behaviors, strange body sensations, night paralysis, stagnation, lack of marriage, what they call misfortune, suicidal thoughts, perversions, addictions, defeat, futility, no breakthroughs etc.  These Christians think that “it’s just them”, something they must overcome, when it could very likely be demons indwelling them.

I pray that the church at large awakens to this reality once and for all and starts doing what Jesus commanded in Mathew 10:8 casting out demons. Going to the courts of heaven to take care of the legal matters against a person is the first and best way to start.  

If you desire assistance in addressing deliverance and inner healing matters, please visit the services section of and schedule advocacy sessions with us. We will tackle various challenges such as the enemy’s accusations, false verdicts, lingering human spirits, curses, demonic oppression, sickness, witchcraft, and other issues affecting you and your family. By seeking resolution in the courts of heaven, our aim is to offer guidance and support.

Salvation Prayer

If your are reading this blog but you are not sure that you are saved or born again, if the Lord Jesus Christ is not your Lord and Savior and you want to receive Him into your life and heart pray this prayer in faith out loud: 

Lord Jesus I ask you to forgive me of my sins, wash them away with your blood that you shed on Calvary’s Cross to pay for my salvation. I turn away from my sins and stop trusting my own works to get me to heaven. I believe that you are the son of God and right now I receive you into my heart and life as my Lord and Savior.

If you prayed this prayer, welcome to the family of God. Start reading the Bible and pray that the Lord will lead you to a good church where you can grow in the things of God.


