How these Six Hindrances Can Stop your Healing


There are certain hindrances that will keep a Christian from receiving the scriptural promise of healing from Isaiah 53:5. The first obstacle is the sin of unbelief, this is a very serious sin because it is impossible to please God without faith, as stated in Hebrews 11:6. Unbelief can also cause a person’s heart to become hardened as stated in Hebrews 3:12-13, which eventually can cause a person to depart from the Lord.  Romans 10:17 states that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God, so in order to increase your faith listen to the word of God, specifically the promises of God regarding healing, absorb and confess His promises out loud.

The second hindrance to healing is being ignorant of what the will of God is regarding healing. There are some in the church that believe that God uses sickness to humble us and to bring us closer to him, yet others believe that healing is not for today that it ceased when the Apostles died. These beliefs are not true as I am a witness of His healing touch and I’ve witnessed others healed by His mighty power. The Lord never changes, the God that performed miracles of healing in the bible, still performs them today. They had promises of healing in the Old Testament but we have better promises under the New Testament, because of what Christ did at Calvary and his resurrection.  Christ took stripes upon His back to bring us healing, as stated in Isaiah 53:5. God is a good God He has better ways to bring us closer to Him and to get pride out of us than to use sickness to do so.


The third hindrance to healing is having unforgiveness, bitterness or resentment in your heart. Not only will these hinder your healing they will keep you in bondage to the enemy, and unforgiveness will hinder you from going to heaven.  There are several Christian leaders whom the Lord has taken to hell, and they’ve come back and testified of seeing Christians in hell because of unforgiveness.  Jesus stated clearly in Matthew 6:15 that if we do not forgive men their trespasses neither will the Father forgive our trespasses.  In Matthew 18:21-35 Jesus taught the parable of the man who was forgiven a debt of 10,000 talents by the king but who would not forgive his fellow debtor who owed him 100 pence, and because of his unforgiveness he was delivered to the tortures.  The tortures are the demons in hell. In verse 35 Jesus said so will the Father do to those who don’t forgive from their heart.  Forgiveness is an act of the will, then your emotions will follow.

In many churches there is a lack of emphasis about the seriousness of the consequences of unforgiveness in the life of a believer.  They think grace will somehow cover the sin of unforgiveness. Only repenting for unforgiveness and genuinely forgiving other(s), asking Christ to wash away that sin with His blood will remedy the matter; then, healing can come unless there are other hindrances. Ask Holy Spirit what else is in the way of your healing.

The fourth hindrance to healing is unconfessed sin. Proverbs 28:13 states that whoever covers his sin shall not prosper but whosoever confesses and forsakes them shall have mercy. This verse refers to prospering in every area including healing.  Ask Holy Spirit to show you if there’s any area in your life where you need to confess sin, because if you continue in your sin, your conscience become seared and you can turn away from God.

In John 5:1-14 we see how the Lord warned the paralytic, that He healed by the pool of Bethesda, to stop sinning or something worse may come upon him.  Living in sin will cause sickness and hinder your healing. Ask Holy Spirit to show you what sins if any, you need to confess and renounce.

The fifth hindrance to healing is involvement with the occult, and this is a big one because many Christians are involved in the occult and they’re not aware that they are. The occult will not only hinder your healing but will bring curses upon your life and your future generations. In the Old Testament the penalty for the sin of practicing the occult was death, so it’s a serious matter to God. Some of the involvement in the occult may include illicit drug use or pharmakia also known as witchcraft, playing with the Ouija board, watching occult or violent movies, playing occult or violent video games, horoscope reading, palm reading, doing Yoga, listening or reading eastern religious philosophies, involvement in Freemasonry, using crystals for energy or as an amulet, burning sage, tossing coins into the wish pool, listening to worldly music like Rock or Rap, celebrating Halloween, having in your home traditional masks souvenirs (from nations like Mexico, Africa etc.)and other cursed things. These are just a few occult practices, ask Holy Spirit to show you what you need to get rid of around your house, and ask Him before you buy, wear or bring anything into your house.

Lastly, the sixth hindrance to your healing is the presence of demons inside your body.  In Mark 9:25 we see how after Jesus casted out a deaf and dumb demon out a man, he was made whole.  Ask Holy Spirit to tell you whether your sickness is because of the presence of demons in your body.

These six points listed above are just a few of things that could be stopping your healing. I recommend that you step into the Heavenly Court of Records to review your Bond and Guest Registries, to find out what and who is hindering your life and stopping your healing.  Then, step into the Court of Healing, The Heavenly Hospital and Heaven’s Healing Gardens to get your healing.  

You may learn more about the courts of heaven by getting the books on the courts in the Shop area of

On this website, you also have the option of scheduling an advocacy session, during which we can address any accusations, lingering human spirits, curses, demonic oppression, or other issues that may be impacting you and your family, by seeking resolution in the courts of heaven.
