How My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge


Unknowingly engaging in sinful practices, some born-again Christians suffer from oppression by the enemy. It opens doors for attacks on them and their family.  Some of these practices include consulting horoscopes, visiting fortune tellers, engaging in necromancy, practicing yoga, celebrating Halloween, playing with Ouija boards, keeping or wearing cursed items like amulets or crystals for energy, healing, or protection, and embracing New Age or Eastern religious beliefs, such as Ayurvedic and Feng Shui, Reiki etc.

Leviticus 19:26 states, “You shall not use enchantments or observe times” (KJV). Leviticus 20:6 speaks against going to wizards and familiar spirits (KJV). Deuteronomy 18:9-14 speaks against necromancers and spiritism in general. As Christians, we must avoid any doctrine that maximizes one’s potential or guarantees fulfillment apart from the Lord Jesus Christ. Instead, we should strive to grow in the grace and knowledge of the Lord Jesus and no other (2 Peter 3:18).  

Christians, avoid anything that could contaminate you spiritually or hinder your spiritual growth. Steer clear of scary and violent movies and video games, as demons have been known to emerge from the screen and possess people. Watching demonic, violent, or indecent movies or indulging in romantic soap operas (especially for women) will open the door to demonic influence. Soap operas can create a fantasy world that may lead a person to despise their life and partner. The same can be said for social media. Additionally, Christians should not get tattoos, especially ones with demonic motifs, as they can serve as gateways for demons to enter. I have witnessed exorcism sessions where a demon’s entry point was a tattoo. Don’t take that chance.

If you came to the Lord with tattoos, simply place your hand on them and pray, ‘I close any demonic gate opened by these tattoos in Jesus’ name and plead the blood of Jesus over them.’ Remember not to conform to the world, but instead renew your mind with God’s Word, the Bible (Romans 12:2). Additionally, tattoos can negatively impact your testimony and may be a stumbling block for certain people groups, such as Muslims, when sharing the gospel.

Another significant issue that many Christians are not aware of is the harm caused by getting involved in secret Masonic groups. These groups practice a mixture of pagan rituals and require ungodly vows, which the Bible warns against (Matthew 5:36-37). These practices will attract curses and demonic influences into your life and future generations.  You may ignorantly step into the temple of false Gods, and the enemy will bind you. If you buy food or anything from those grounds, the enemy will consider that a trade or agreement, and will make claims of ownership over your life. Freemasonry will also hinder you from seeing in the spirit.

Additionally, cohabiting as if married is a sin that can bring curses and demonic oppression, as it involves disobedience to God’s Word (see 1 Corinthians 5:1, Romans 1:29, Matthew 15:19, and other scriptures that speak against fornication or sex outside of marriage). Moreover, many people do not realize that conceiving a child through fornication can bring the curse of the bastard upon the child (Deuteronomy 23:2). This verse indicates that a bastard shall not enter the congregation of the Lord until the tenth generation, and it also brings other curses.

One of the primary manifestations of the bastard curse is a sense of alienation from God. A person will grow up with a feeling that God does not love them, which can make it more difficult for them to come to Christ or to feel close to God.  If the child is underage, the parent can break this curse in Jesus’ name. If the child is an adult, they can break the curse themselves. Christians do not have to carry any curses, as Jesus became cursed for us (Galatians 3:13). To break the curse, step into the Court of Cancellations and ask for forgiveness for conceiving the child out of wedlock. Ask that Christ’s blood wash away that sin and that the Judge break the curse of the bastard off your child. Additionally, ask for the restoration of all the blessings that were lost because of this curse. If the child is now an adult, they can go to the court and cancel the curse themselves. For more information about the Courts of Heaven, visit the Shop section of this website. 

The good news is that no matter what your sin may be, you can confess it and remove the resulting curses from the Courts of Heaven. Request of The Father entry into the Court of Mercy to confess the sins mentioned above or any other sins the court or Holy Spirit points out to you. Ask that the blood of Jesus wash them away. Then request entry into the Court of Cancellation to ask for the cancellation of the curses and its ramifications. Then ask for entry into the Court of Restitution to request that everything lost because of these sins and associated curses be restored to you and bloodline. Doing this process from the courts of heaven is more effective and can yield quicker results. 

Above are just some of the topics or issues that I either never heard preached or, at the very least, not in great depth, during my early walk with the Lord. I came to learn about many of these topics through personal experience, as well as my own research and study of God’s Word. I pray that you have gained something valuable from reading this blog.
