Mitharism: Becoming Free From It’s Influence


Mithraism was an ancient Pagan religion practiced by the Persians (today’s Iranians). Due to its secretive nature, little is known about this religion today. It was commonly depicted by a man slaying a bull and was introduced to ancient Rome by Legionnaires, where it gained popularity among emperors. Emperor Constantine was one of the most prominent supporters of Mithraism and played a key role in the development of Christianity in Rome. He made Christianity legal and Rome’s state religion, but also blended elements of Mithraism into it, resulting in significant changes to the original Christian church. This led to the creation of his own version of Christianity, which eventually evolved into the Catholic Church.

Constantine incorporated many of the same symbols used in Mithraism into Christianity, such as the fish symbol, which represented rebirth in Mithraism, and the sun symbol, which was integral to Mithra worship. He also replaced the early church’s Saturday worship with Sunday or Sun day worship, and changed the Apostolic format to the Pastoral paradigm, which is still in use today. Additionally, the birthdate of Mithra, December 25th, was adopted into Christianity, and many Mithraic ceremonies, oaths, titles, and degrees were Christianized and incorporated into the Christian religion.

It is worth noting that Mithraism has also influenced Islam, Masonic cults, and other occult sects, such as New Age religions. However, the impact on Christianity has been the most significant.

Christians today have some level of connection to Mithraism, which contribute to negative issues in their lives.

Mithraism consists of seven degrees, each associated with a false verdict that empowers it. These false verdicts operate as legal judgments that dictate a person’s behavior. Our ancestors and even ourselves, when reciting these declarations or false verdicts, became bound to Satan and subjected ourselves to curses that affect our lives.

Mithras depicted as man slaying a bull mithraism temple


Replica of Ancient Roman Temple of the worship of Mithras

The purpose of this blog is to assist Christians and their families in finding freedom from the influence of Mithraism. It is important to be receptive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit as He reveals the connections to Mithraism.

The false verdicts associated with Mithraism must be dealt with legally through the courts of heaven. The following is a summary of the steps you can take to obtain freedom from Mithraism:

  1. Step into the Court of Cancellations
  2. Repent for the various Mithratic profane worship
  3. Request a severing of ties to Mithraism for you and your generations
  4. Request cancellation of every covenant, curse related to the worship of Mithras
  5. Forgive, bless and release those who started and perpetuated Mithras worship
  6. Request covenant of life be issue to you and your generations through the blood of Christ
  7. Request access to the Court of Appeals and request that each false verdict for each of the seven degrees be overturned and replaced with righteous verdicts
  8. Repent for participation and initiation in each of the degrees
  9. Forgive, bless and release those in your linage who participated in or were initiated in the degrees of Mithraism
  10. Request access to the Court of Reclamation and request anything lost to you and your generations be restored 

The above provides a brief overview of the steps that need to be followed. However, as the degrees of Mithraism have a level of detail that cannot possibly be covered in this short blog, I highly recommend that you obtain the book ‘Freedom from Mithraism,’ by Dr. Ron M. Horner available in the shop section of this website, for a detailed protocol on each degree.
