How to Remove the Hindrances to Seeing in the Spirit

How to see in the spirit realm, spiritual blindness

There are many reasons that can prevent a born-again Christian from seeing in the spirit, and these reasons are often related to the individual’s “spiritual baggage.” Let us explore why your prayer for spiritual sight may not be answered, as it typically involves a legal issue in the spiritual realm. Once the reason(s) is discovered, repentance is necessary, followed by forgiveness and the application of the blood of Christ to remove the legal barrier and restore your spiritual vision.

Adam and Eve enjoyed the ability to see in the spirit and communicate with God, and through the redemptive work of the Lord Jesus, this ability has been restored to us as well. Like Adam, we are now able to live in the spirit, using all our spiritual senses to discern and experience God’s presence and what He wants to show us. It is the will of our heavenly Father for His children to see in the spirit, as it allows us to enjoy a deeper level of intimacy with Him in the present.  Jesus said “blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God (Mathew 5:8). The Lord Jesus’ blood purifies our hearts, so we can see God and be in the spirit. It is not for a select few. We may not all be seers, but we can all see in the spirit.

As our helper and revealer of all truth, it is the Holy Spirit who ultimately reveals to us the reasons for our inability to see in the spirit. During our sessions* of seeking answers, certain reasons for this inability have repeatedly surfaced, although we must always rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit in our journey of discovery.

Here are some legal reasons why a person may be unable to see in the spirit:

      1. Previous involvement in Freemasonry, witchcraft or other profane religious ceremonies.
      2. Ownership claims to a person’s spiritual sight, such as false titles, liens, notes, or lease agreements.
      3. Covenants or oaths made from fear because of past negative experiences with seeing, that prevent a person from wanting to see again.
      4. An ancestral covenant of death made with Sheol.
      5. Accusations or negative beliefs, such as “you have no right to see” or “you are not spiritual enough.”
      6. False verdicts or limiting beliefs, such as “seeing in the spirit is only for prophets and seers.”
      7. Misunderstanding or wrong beliefs about seeing in the spirit or the imagination, such as viewing it as “New Age stuff.”
      8. Curses or generational iniquity that result in spiritual blindness.
      9. Being trapped in places of captivity, such as Satan’s Trophy Room or other dimensions.
      10. A religious mindset that teaches that seeing in the spirit is dangerous.”
      11. Soul wounds.
      12. Unrepented sin (ex: unforgiveness, bitterness, covetousness, etc.). 

    Regardless of the reason for spiritual blindness, there is good news: you can address it in the courts of heaven. We can now explore each of the reasons listed above and follow the heavenly courts process for attaining freedom:

    Freemasonry/other profane ceremonies and False verdicts should be addressed in Heaven’s Court of Appeals:

        • Request Access to the Court of Appeals.

          • Repent for those creating the false verdict originally (you or whoever).

          • Forgive, bless, and release them.

          • Request that the false verdict be replaced with righteous verdicts on your behalf and future generations.

          • Ask that your spiritual sight be restored or established in Jesus’ name.

          • Request the removal of anything covering your eyes or head.

          • Begin to see.

        Places of captivity such as Satan’s Trophy Case, pit, dimensions etc. should be addressed in Heaven’s Court of Appeals:

            • Request access to the Court of Appeals.

            • Repent for anything that caused the imprisonment of the person. Ask the Holy Spirit for insight. 

            • Request a Certificate of Freedom.

            • Receive the Certificate and Key to the Trophy Case.

            • Request angelic assistance to take the person out of the Trophy Room or other places of captivity.

            • Unlock the Case and remove the person and establish them in heaven.

            • Request that their spiritual sight be restored.

            • Begin to see.

          Jesus Christ heals our physical and spiritual blindness

          Covenants, oaths, vows, curses, generational iniquity should be addressed in Heaven’s Court of Cancellations:

              • Request access to the Court of Cancellations.

              • Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the originator of the covenant (etc.) against Godly spiritual sight.

              • Repent for making the oath(s) or covenant(s).

              • Repent for perpetuating the covenant(s) or oath(s).

              • Forgive, bless, and release those who made the covenant(s) or oath(s).

              • Request that the Lord release you and your bloodline from the consequences of these covenant(s) or oath(s).

              • Request that The Lord restore you and your bloodline’s spiritual sight.

              • Begin to see.

            Ownership claims must be address in Heaven’s Court of Titles and Deeds:

                • Request access to the Court of Titles and Deeds.

                • To address a false title issued, request a transfer of the title deed from whomever (ask Holy Spirit, who is making the claim) to Jehovah God.

                • Forgive, bless, and release those by whom these ownership claims or titles were established.

                • Request the false title be abolished.

                • Request the restoration of your spiritual sight.

                • Request the removal of any band, helmet or tarp from your eyes and head.

                • Begin to see.

                • To address a lien, note or lease request that the blood of Jesus satisfy the lien, note, or lease.

              Accusations should be addressed in Heaven’s Court of Mercy:

                  • Request access to the Court of Mercy

                  • Ask the Holy Spirit what the accusations are.

                  • Say out loud, that in accordance with Mathew 5:25 you agree with the adversary concerning the accusation(s).

                  • Confess it/them as sin, repent and ask that the blood of Jesus wash them away, along with all the ramifications in Jesus’ name.

                  • Forgive, bless, and release those who made the accusations.

                  • Request access to the Court of Cancellations and request that the accusations be cancelled.

                  • Repent and ask forgiveness for embracing the lie that has affected your ability to see in the spirit.

                  • Forgive, bless, and release those who made the accusations.

                  • Request the restoration of your spiritual sight and the removal of anything covering your eyes or head.

                The more you practice seeing, hearing, perceiving the better you get at it. Additionally, you can enter the Court of Records and request to see your Outstanding Folder to understand what you need to repent for. You can ask the court attendant to read it to you. 

                There are a lot more details about these processes and the reasonings behind it than I can cover in this short blog.  If you want more detailed information about all that’s covered above, please go to the shop area on my website and get the book Unlocking Spiritual Seeing, by Dr. Ron M. Horner.    

                Salvation Prayer

                If you’re reading this blog and you have not yet been saved, it means that the Lord Jesus Christ is not your Lord and Savior. If you would like to receive Him now, please say this prayer out loud:

                Lord Jesus, I am a sinner in need of a savior. Lord, would you forgive me of my sins and wash them away with your precious blood, that you shed to pay the penalty for my sins. I believe that you are the son of God and that you died and resurrected on the third day. Come into my heart and life as my Savior and Lord.  With your help, I will live for you until you call me home to heaven to be with you. Thank you, Lord.

                If you prayed that prayer in faith welcome to the family of God. Start reading your Bible and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to provide you with a good church where you can grow in the things of God.

                Note: *During Lifespring Int. Ministries sessions
