How to Remove Accusations from the Courts of Heaven


An accusation, a charge of wrongdoing or incapability, is strategically designed to impede the fulfillment of your destiny in God. Even if you are aware that accusations are unfounded, addressing them becomes imperative. Not only do accusations influence your behavior and that of others, but they can also evolve into self-fulfilling prophecies in your life. Embracing falsehoods empowers the enemy, Satan.

The enemy accuses us not only of our sins before God’s courts but also of negative and seemingly innocuous comments we make about ourselves and others. Satan lives up to his name as the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10), constantly searching for things to accuse us of. Guard against accusatory thoughts entering your mind, for if verbalized, they are recorded in hell and heaven as accusations. Thoughts such as ‘I can never do anything right,’ ‘I have nothing to offer,’ ‘I can’t do what God is asking,’ ‘I’m stupid,’ ‘I’m not worthy,’ etc., may arise. Accusations from your family and others can also be recorded against you. If a thought or comment contradicts God’s Word, it must be addressed in the Court of Mercy, also known as the Throne of Grace (Hebrews 4:16).

Why the courts of heaven? You will get the legal backing and verdict of a higher supreme entity than praying from the earth. And they have records of all the accusations against you so that you know what to repent for and ask the court to cancel and dispatch angels to remove demonic entities attached to these accusations. You will also get quicker answers and resolutions to your situation. The ecclesia of Christ has entered a season where the kingdom of heaven is urging them to step more frequently into the courts of heaven. This call is to address not only their individual issues but also those of their families, cities, and nations.

In Matthew 5:25, Lord Jesus demonstrated how to confront Satan, our accuser, in the court setting to remove accusations. He advised agreeing with the adversary swiftly, acknowledging guilt, seeking forgiveness, and pleading that the blood of Christ expunge the accusations recorded in heaven (which will then automatically be removed from hell’s records). Even if you are not personally guilty, an unconfessed ancestral sin may grant Satan legal grounds to accuse you.

To effectively remove accusations against you, follow these steps:

  1. Request your soul to step back, be silent, and rest in the Lord Jesus Christ; then, ask your spirit to step forward.
  2. Request access to the Court of Records from God the Father.
  3. Request your outstanding folder, containing accusations against you, from the court clerk.
  4. If unable to see in the spirit, ask the clerk to read the accusations and write them down (refer to the blog post ‘How to Remove Hindrances to Seeing in the Spirit‘).
  5. Thank the court clerk and exit.
  6. Request access to the Court of Mercy from the Father.
  7. Address the court, agree with the adversary admitting guilt to each accusation (___________), according Matthew 5:25.
  8. Confess that the accusation of (__________) is sin, according to 1 John 1:9.
  9. Repent of the sin, following 2 Chronicles 7:14.
  10. Request the application of Jesus’ blood to wash away the sin, citing 1 John 1:7, 9.
  11. Repeat steps 7-10 for each accusation.

Wait for the verdict, express gratitude to the court, and exit. Pay close attention to the Holy Spirit for further instructions.

Additional Resources:

For more information about the Court of Records and Court of Mercy, please visit the shop section of and acquire the books “Engaging the Courts for Ownership and Order” and “Engaging the Mercy Court of Heaven” by Dr. Ron M. Horner.

You can also schedule an advocacy session with us on this website. We address accusations from the enemy, false verdicts, evil bonds, witchcraft, demons, lingering human spirits, sickness, and other deliverance and inner healing matters affecting you and your family.

Salvation Prayer:

If you are reading this blog post and have not accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord, this decision is crucial for your life. The Lord Jesus Christ declared, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to God the Father except through me.’ He is the gateway to heaven. If you wish to welcome Him into your life as your savior and Lord, recite this prayer aloud in faith:

‘Lord Jesus, I recognize that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I humbly ask for your forgiveness, and I trust in your precious blood, which you shed to atone for my sins. I believe in you as the Son of God, who died and rose again on the third day. I invite you to enter my heart and life as my savior and Lord. With your guidance, I will live for you until the day you call me to be with you in heaven. Thank you, Lord.’

If you have prayed this prayer in faith, welcome to the family of God. Begin by reading your Bible daily and seeking the Lord’s guidance to find a suitable church where you can nurture your relationship with Him.

Note: All scripture references are taken from NKJV.
