How to Protect Yourself from Shape-Shifting Angels Among Us

war in heave, shape shifting aliens

As people increasingly believe in aliens and UFO’s, this belief grants permission for their increase manifestation, which is what we are witnessing today. There has been a notable rise in the sightings of UFOs and related phenomena. Their full debut will occur at the start of the Tribulation. Additionally, the imminent arrival of the Lord Jesus Christ is currently fueling an intense battle in the second heaven, shaking it and, I believe, forcefully displacing fallen angels to Earth. This situation aligns with Revelations 12:7-91 and is expected to intensify during the Tribulation. I believe that this UFO phenomena is directly tied to fallen angels (and their hybrid offspring).

These fallen angels have always possessed the capability to move between the second heaven and Earth, but it seems that now they find themselves forced to stay here among us. These displaced fallen angels are revealing themselves more frequently, often appearing as human beings. They can shape-shift and take on the appearance of humans, posing a significant threat. This is a very concerning situation as people could unknowingly date, marry or even vote them into office, which, in my belief, has been happening for decades if not hundreds of years.

People who have had encounters with these beings report that they seem very interested in mating with humans, and their lizard eyes or demeanor give them away as otherworldly creatures.  These fallen angels have maintained their modus operandi since the account in Genesis 6. During that time, a breeding program created giants and other chimeras.  Several abductees and SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) survivors can attest to similar breeding programs still occurring. The main reason for this breeding program is to add to Satan’s army for the Battle of Armageddon (Revelation 16:13-16)2.

Defending ourselves:

To avoid being deceived by these beings and defend ourselves as believers, we need to follow certain protective measures:

  1. Personal relationship with Jesus Christ:

First and foremost, make sure that the Lord Jesus Christ is your Lord and savior and that you are living according to his word, fostering intimacy with him. This will put you under his protection.

2. Guidance of the Holy Spirit:

Always be guided by the Holy Spirit, who dwells inside every believer in Christ, before making any decision or taking any action.

3. Discernment of spirits:

Develop a higher level of discernment of spirits, which is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 12:10).

4. Exercising authority:

Remember that as a believer in Christ, we have authority over all the power of Satan and his fallen angels. We can also call on the Lord to send his Angel armies to deal with these fallen angels in the ‘flesh’ and their hybrids. The church must rely on angelic assistance more and more during these times. Christians must also learn how to Commission the angels assigned to them, and how to Co-labor with them.

The end times:

The ongoing unusual events around the world indicate that the countdown towards the Tribulation spoken of in the Bible’s Book of Revelation and Book of Daniel has started. To escape it through the Rapture, believers must walk intimately with Christ and consecrate themselves to Him.  You do not want Him to say, ‘Depart from me, I never knew you’, even if you did all these good works in His name (Mathew 7:22-23)3.

 Salvation prayer:

If you haven’t accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior and desire to receive him, you can recite this prayer out loud in faith:

“Lord Jesus, I knowledge that I am a Sinner in need of a savior. I ask you to forgive my sins and cleanse them with your precious blood, which you shed to pay the penalty for my sins.

I believe that you are the son of God and that you died and rose again on the third day. I invite you to come into my heart and life as my savior and Lord.

With your help, I will live for you until the day you call me to heaven to be with you. Thank you Lord.”

Additional resources:

For further resources on spiritual development, deliverance, and inner healing, you can visit: .  On this website, you can also schedule an advocacy session to address inner healing issues, demonic oppression, the enemy’s accusations, false verdicts, lingering human spirits, sickness, witchcraft, and other matters that affect you and your family.

Notes 1, 2, 3: from NKJV 1982
