How to Live a Spirit Forward Life


Renewed Spirit-Led Living

Colossians 3: 1- 4 exhorts Christians  of the importance of seeking the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God, and setting our minds on heavenly things rather than be consumed by earthly concerns. Through Christ, our old unredeemed self and its soulish desires have been crucified. As a result, we are now equipped with a new spirit, seated with Christ in heavenly places. Colossians 3 encourages us to walk in this new position, but we can only do so by allowing our ‘spirit forward1′ to take the lead. This enables us to engage with the things of the heavenly realm and the spirit.

We consist of a spirit, a soul, and a body, all of which reside within us. According to God’s original plan, our spirit is meant to be in control of our life, not our soul or body. This hierarchical order was how Adam and Eve lived before sin entered the world. Our spirit, divinely designed by God, enables us to establish a connection with Him and the heavenly realm.

Unfortunately, after the fall, the soul took charge. However, the soul is not equipped to comprehend and engage with spiritual matters of God. Its purpose is to communicate the insights received from the spirit to the body. Additionally, the soul empowers us to navigate our existence in the 3D world we inhabit.

Navigating Between Realms

Through Christ’s crucifixion, he tore the veil that had kept mankind from entering the Heavenly Kingdom and coming before The Father. However, to step into this realm, we must learn to live with our renewed spirit as the dominant leader in our lives. By adopting this manner of living, we will effortlessly navigate between the heavenly and earthly realm simultaneously. Consequently, we will not only gain a heightened awareness of the heavenly realms but also a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit, angels, and individuals dressed in white linen2. This way of living will lead us to a state of profound peace and intimacy with The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Importantly, we need not wait until we pass away and go to heaven to experience this reality. Rather, we can live in this manner and bring heaven’s abundant resources down to earth in the present.

Our will dictates which aspect of our being will take precedence: our spirit, our soul, or body. Each of these components possesses its own will. While our soul and body may be susceptible to fleshly desires, with proper instruction and training, they can be brought under the authority of our spirit. God’s ultimate plan is for us to live with our spirit leading the way, followed by our soul and then our body. As Christians, we are equipped with the capacity to embrace this hierarchy, and we have the invaluable assistance of the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, and the entirety of heaven to support us in this endeavor.

How can we transition from being soul or body dominant to living from our spirit?

The process is simple. Firstly, we instruct our soul to step back, rest, and be silent. Likewise, we direct our body to find a state of rest. Then, we purposefully speak to our spirit, calling it forward to actively engage with the heavenly realms of God. Additionally, some individuals may benefit from performing a prophetic act, physically stepping back, and then forward; this action has been known to catalyze internal shifts.

Living from our spirit is ultimately a conscious decision we make. By intentionally choosing to do so, we empower ourselves to overcome the influence of our soul and body, allowing our spirit to take the lead in our lives.

In the days to come, living spirit forward will become imperative for Christians. With challenges intensifying as the imminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ draws near, accessing the solutions of heaven will be of utmost importance, especially when engaging in adjudication work within the heavenly courts. Therefore, it is crucial to begin practicing living spirit forward from today onwards. This is the way we were intended to live.

If you desire further insight on living spirit forward, I suggest you get the book titled “Living Spirit forward –Learning to Live the Way you Were Meant to Live, by Dr. Ron M. Horner.

You can find this book in the shop section of .

On this website, you can schedule an advocacy session with us to address inner healing issues, demonic oppression, the enemy’s accusations, false verdicts, lingering human spirits, sickness, witchcraft, and other matters that affect you and your family.

Salvation Prayer

If you are reading this blog and have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as savior and Lord, and you desire to receive him now, please recite this prayer out loud in faith:

“Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I ask you to forgive my sins and cleanse them with your precious blood, which you shed to pay the penalty for my sins.

I believe that you are The Son of God and that you died and rose again on the third day. I invite you to come into my heart and life as my savior and Lord.

With your help, I will live for you until the day you call me to heaven to be with you. Thank you, Lord.”

If you sincerely prayed that prayer in faith, welcome to the family of God. Begin reading your Bible and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to guide you to a good church where you can grow in your relationship with him.


      1. Book: Living Spirit Forward – learning to live the way you were meant to live, By Dr. Ron M. Horner

      1. Book: Living Spirit Forward – learning to live the way you were meant to live, Pg. 32of
