How to Dismantle Assignments from the Courts of Heaven


In the ongoing spiritual battle, more and more Christians find themselves equipped with the powerful approach of engaging the courts of heaven. No longer relegated to a defensive position, believers can now proactively unearth, and counter specific assignments plotted against them by Satan.

The Paradigm Unveiled: Understanding the Courts of Heaven

The once-elusive courts of heaven paradigm has transitioned into a well-grasped concept within the church. With over a thousand court-related terms scattered throughout the Bible1, Christians have a solid scriptural foundation. An evident illustration of heavenly courts is portrayed in Daniel 7:102. This strategic paradigm expedites the resolution of generational issues, allowing the Kingdom of God to manifest with unprecedented speed and effectiveness on the Earth.

Historical Shift: Transitioning Narratives in Spiritual Warfare

Historically, Satan has accused Christians within the heavenly courts, and strategized against them from the courts of hell. This was often met with an absent church at the courts of heaven. However, this narrative has been undergoing a transformation. By entering the Court of Cancelations, individuals gain access to precise assignment records concerning themselves, their families, nations, and various entities. With these records in hand, presenting a formal plea for cancellation to the judge becomes a straightforward process. To solidify this cancellation, the invocation of the “Amendment as If It Never Were” is crucial. For example, if an assignment involves sowing discord among siblings, you can clearly request its eradication along with its paperwork and ask for the application of the ‘Amendment As If It Never Were’.

Seeking Wisdom, Repentance and Restraint

Furthermore, seeking guidance from the Spirit of Wisdom or a Court Counsel, typically represented as a person in white linen, can greatly assist in determining how to proceed, what to ask, or what actions to take within the court. Repenting for past agreements with negative ideologies, fear, sin, and ancestral iniquities becomes paramount. Furthermore, breaking any lingering curses, false claims of ownership3, liens4, evil bonds5, or other negative entanglements becomes a pivotal step within this comprehensive process toward dismantling assignments and achieving complete deliverance. I have addressed breaking these evil things in other blog posts.

Subsequently, you can enter the Court of Enforcement and formally request a Restraining Order against the enemy’s specific assaults on you and any matters related to you. Moving to the Court of Reclamation, plea for a sevenfold return of all that has been taken from you by Satan due to these attacks.

Actionable Steps: Forging a Path to Victory

In summary, the actionable steps are as follows:

  1. Access the Records and Seek Restraint:
    • Obtain comprehensive records of Satan’s assignments targeting you.
    • Petition the judge to cancel both paperwork and assignment.
    • Request the application of the “Amendment as If It Never Were” to each cancellation.
  2. Consult Wisdom and Pursue Deliverance:
    • Seek guidance from the Spirit of Wisdom or Court Counsel for additional steps, including repentance if necessary.
    • Enter the Court of Enforcement to request a Restraining Order against Satan’s attacks.
    • Transition to the Court of Reclamation and plea for a sevenfold return of what has been taken.
    • Regularly visit the Court of Cancellations to uncover Satan’s plans targeting you.

Conclusion: Triumph in a Paradigm Shift

By adopting this proactive methodology, Christians position themselves to effectively counter the enemy’s maneuvers. Through embracing the courts of heaven paradigm, the victory over these assigned attacks becomes a tangible reality. This paradigm shift ushers in a renewed era of empowerment and triumph within the spiritual realm.

Exploring Heavenly Courts and Advocacy: Resources and Support

To learn more about the various courts of heaven purchase the books available in the shop section of .

On this website, you can also schedule an advocacy session to address inner healing issues, demonic oppression, the enemy’s accusations, false verdicts, lingering human spirits, sickness, witchcraft, and other matters that affect you and your family.

Salvation prayer:

If you’re reading this blog post and haven’t accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord yet, but desire to receive him, recite this prayer out loud in faith:

“Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I ask you to forgive my sins and cleanse them with your precious blood, which you shed to pay the penalty for my sins.

I believe that you are the son of God and that you died and rose again on the third day. I invite you to come into my heart and life as my savior and Lord.

With your help, I will live for you until the day you call me to heaven to be with you. Thank you, Lord”.

If you prayed this prayer in faith welcome to the family of God. Start reading your Bible and ask the Lord to provide you with a good church where you can grow in your relationship with Him.

Note 1:   Book- “Engaging the Courts of Heaven” pg1, By Dr. Ron M. Horner

Note 2: from NKJV 1982

Notes: 3&4: Book- “Engaging the Court for Ownership and Order, By Dr. Ron M. Horner

Note 5:  Book- Releasing Bonds from the Courts of Heaven, By Dr. Ron M. Horner
