How to Deal with Hope Deferred


Are you a Christian whose faith has dwindled as you’ve fervently believed in God’s promises for an extended period without their fulfillment? The Bible reassures us that God’s promises are fulfilled in His own perfect timing, as He vigilantly watches over His word to ensure its realization (Jeremiah 1:12). It unequivocally states that God is not a man, and therefore, incapable of lying (Numbers 23:19). Moreover, He exalts His word above His very name (Psalm 138:2). Whether you are anchoring your faith in a logo (written) or rhema (spoken) promise received from the Lord, rest assured that it will manifest in its appointed time.

Sometimes, God’s answer may have been dispatched the very moment you prayed (Daniel 10:12-14), but your soul, serving as a conduit between spirit and body, may have withheld it in a “treasure chest” due to uncertainty or discomfort. Alternatively, the delay might be attributed to issues such as spiritual legalities or demonic interference, which must be addressed before the promise’s manifestation.

In the realm of the soul, it is imperative to train it to convey spiritual blessings to the body. The soul plays the crucial role of a bridge or gatekeeper. A notable example is the revelation by Dr. Ron Horner, of LifeSpring International, where souls were discovered to be hoarding blessings from the spirit, hindering their delivery to the body. The spirit received the healing answer from heaven, yet the soul withheld it due to uncertainty and discomfort about what it was receiving. In a previous blog, “How to Create Harmony Between Your Soul, Spirit, and Body,” I discussed the distinct will and realm angels of the spirit, soul, and body. Training the soul to align with its rightful place and function is essential.

Engage your soul in an introspective dialogue to determine if it is withholding blessings from the spirit. If it does, ask it to collaborate with the realm angel for your soul to gradually release these blessings to your body.

It is also crucial to cleanse not only your soul but your body’s cellular memory from the residue of past disappointments1 because of prayers that seemed “unanswered.”  Start by repenting for any misjudgments, unfounded accusations against The Father, and for the distortion of His word to justify your disappointment. Repent for judging others that would not agree with your distortion of God’s word. Following this, ask The Father that the cleanup angels remove all spiritual debris left from your repentance.

For a deeper exploration of these obstructions, step into the Court of Records. Investigate the presence of iniquity, unconfessed sins, enemy accusations, false verdicts, evil bonds, witchcraft, curses, taxation, places of captivity, ownership claims, or distortions of your godly timeline due to the enemy’s influence. These issues were discussed in detail in previous blogs, and I will provide a summary here.

To address these obstructions effectively, follow this Court Process:

  • Ask your soul to step back and remain silent, then ask your spirit to step forward.
  • Repent for misjudgment of The Father and distorting His word to justify your disappointment.
  • Pray out loud and say: As an act of my soul’s will, I loosen from my soul all past disappointments because of seemingly unanswered prayers, and I bind to my soul that you are faithful to your promise as stated in Jeremiah 1:12, Numbers 23:19, I Peter 2:24 and other scriptures.
  • Pray out loud and say: As an act of my body’s will, I loosen from my body all cellular memory of past disappointment because of seemingly unanswered prayers, and I speak and bind to my body that you are faithful to your promise as stated in Jeremiah 1:12, Numbers 23:19, I Peter 2:24 and other scriptures.
  • Seek access to Heaven’s Court of Records in the name of Jesus.
  • Request the court counsel to identify the obstruction or delay hindering the fulfillment of the promise made by the Lord, whether a logo or rhema word.
  • In cases of iniquity, sins, or accusations, confess them and ask for the cleansing power of the blood of Christ be applied.
  • For issues of captivity, repent for any agreement with evil or sin that caused the captivity, and request angels to rescue your part from these places in Jesus’ name.
  • If you encounter false verdicts, request their cancellation and the establishment of righteous verdicts at the Court of Appeals.
  • If you find yourself off God’s timeline, request access to the Court of Times and Seasons, ask the angels there to adjust your timeline as originally intended by God. You can also request the Lord Jesus to go back in time with you to address and rectify past issues.
  • Eradicate evil bonds and trusts from the Bond Registry Office at the Court of Records, replacing them with godly bonds and having a fellow Christian affirm these over you.
  • Remove witchcraft, curses, and taxation from the Court of Cancellations.
  • Cancel liens at the Court of Cancellations by invoking the blood of Jesus to satisfy them.
  • Request a transfer of ownership deed from you or the other (person, institution, or demon) making the ownership claim, to the Lord Jesus and The Father based on Psalm 24:1, at the Court of Titles and Deeds.

If you encounter uncertainty or confusion, seek assistance from the Court’s Help Desk or the court counsel. Perform these actions in faith. The more you cleanse your spiritual lineage from the courts of heaven, the clearer your spiritual perceptions will become. You will also receive answers to your prayers more swiftly.

It is vital to remember that the Lord remains steadfast in keeping His promises. Repent for allowing your hope to be deferred and your heart getting sick, and embark on a journey to uncover the answers to the enigmatic riddle.

Resources and Support:

Learn more about the various courts mentioned by acquiring the books available in the shop section of . These books include “Releasing Bonds from the Courts of Heaven,” “Dealing with Trusts and Consequential Liens from the Courts of Heaven,” “Engaging the Mercy Court of Heaven,” and “Engaging the Courts for Ownership and Order.”

To address inner healing issues, exorcise demons, combat enemy accusations, resolve false verdicts, break evil bonds, deal with lingering human spirits, overcome sickness, counteract witchcraft, and manage other matters that impact you and your family, you can also schedule an advocacy session on the website.

Salvation prayer:

If you’re reading this blog post and haven’t accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord yet, this is the most significant decision of your life. The Lord Jesus Christ declared, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to God the Father except through me.” He is the gateway to heaven. If you wish to welcome Him into your life as your savior and Lord, recite this prayer aloud in faith:

“Lord Jesus, I recognize that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I humbly ask for your forgiveness, and I trust in your precious blood, which you shed to atone for my sins.

I believe in you as the Son of God, who died and rose again on the third day. I invite you to enter my heart and life as my savior and Lord.

With your guidance, I will live for you until the day you call me to be with you in heaven.

Thank you, Lord.”

If you’ve prayed this prayer in faith, welcome to the family of God. Begin by reading your Bible daily and seeking the Lord’s guidance to find a suitable church where you can nurture your relationship with Him.

Note 1: Dr. Ron M. Horner & Dr. Robert Rodich of Lifespring International

Note: All scripture references taken from NKJV
