How to Commission and Co-labor with Angels

angelic help, asking angels for help

I believe that in 2020, we began the countdown towards the end of this era of grace, moving into the Rapture of The Church, the Seven-year Tribulation and Christ’s Millennial Reign on Earth. This accounts for the peculiar occurrences on Earth and in the heavens–UFO’s and alien phenomena, and other earthly upheavals. But God remains unshaken; countless angels of all ranks and assignments are now active partners with believers in Christ (the church) for a global awakening in these final days.

The Church no longer must contend directly with Satan and his demons; instead, we can commission angels in the name of Jesus, equipped for this era’s battles.  Our collaboration strengthens these angels, revealing their immense capabilities. The heavenly angelic host play a pivotal role, especially now with the great influx of angels to Earth. They’ve anticipated this season, holding powers beyond human reach. It’s time to employ them, commission them, arm them, and trust their strength.

We’ve truly stepped into the era of ‘Angelic Host Enterprise’ on Earth.

In prayer, we must align with angels as Jesus was ministered to by angels (Matthew 4: 11; 26:53)1. They are also available to assist in the courtroom prayer paradigm, our daily routines, and spiritual endeavors. We must believe in their ministry, embracing their aid to fulfill the King’s design.

Ask God The Father to awaken you to angelic presence. Request him to reveal your guardian and other assigned angels. He will be glad to help. Each angel has its own frequency. To sense it, stepped into your spirit. Live ‘spirit forward’2.  It makes angelic interaction easier. You cannot achieve this from your soul–connecting, sensing, harmonizing with angelic frequency. Worship and praying in tongues open heavenly portals from where angels come, abide and assist.

We can ask our angels for weaponry, which we can then request from The Father–Shields, swords, evil frequency disrupters, smoke screens, booby traps, capture bags, timed devices, astral maps, dragnets, listening devices, frequency bombs, and other weapons to thwart evil. Then commissioned them as follows:

        Sample Commissioning:     

  • I call my assigned angels to come near me.
  • I commission you, my angels, and fellow commanders, for essential warfare, triumph over enemies, awaken Saints. Dispel veils, shatter strongholds, obstruct foes at crossroads, guard the fertile fields.
  • Strengthen Saints, bring revelation, radiate light, conquer darkness, vanquish evil for all in my life–family, business, ministry.
  • Shield us from enemies.
  • Engage and remove the demonic forces troubling Saints. Relieve their battles against lies.
  • Renew them, release God’s gifts, widen the portal of revelation, amplify God’s glory. Foster victory, faith, hope, joy, and knowledge of God. This I Commission you, in Jesus’ name.
  • Aid those entering the courts of heaven. Assist their initial spiritual-sight, divine communication, angelic interaction, living heaven’s reality.
  • Assist the novices, nurture their journey, and then empower their inheritance as children of God.
  • I Commission you to this in time and out of time in Jesus’ name.

You can provide a more specific commission than the one above. The above is just an example commissioning. Ask the Holy Spirit what you should commission.

To learn about commissioning, co-laboring, angel types, and requesting weapons, you can get these books:

Commissioning Angels Vol.1- Maximizing your Relationship with Heavenly Hosts” and “Engaging Angels in the Realms of Heaven-Opening the Door to the Angelic Realm,” authored by Dr. Ron M. Horner.

You’ll find these books available in the shop section of .

On this website, you can also schedule an advocacy session to address inner healing issues, demonic oppression, the enemy’s accusations, false verdicts, lingering human spirits, sickness, witchcraft, and other matters that affect you and your family.

Salvation prayer:

If you’re reading this blog post and haven’t accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord yet, but desire to receive him, recite this prayer out loud in faith:

“Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I ask you to forgive my sins and cleanse them with your precious blood, which you shed to pay the penalty for my sins.

I believe that you are the son of God and that you died and rose again on the third day. I invite you to come into my heart and life as my savior and Lord.

With your help, I will live for you until the day you call me to heaven to be with you. Thank you, Lord”.

If you prayed this prayer in faith welcome to the family of God. Start reading your Bible and ask the Lord to provide you with a good church where you can grow in your relationship with Him.

Note 1- from NKJV 1982

Note 2- From Book ‘Living Spirit Forward, by Dr. Ron M. Horner
