How to Break Fornication’s Evil Effects from your Life


God the Father presided over the first wedding ceremony when he presented Eve to Adam. At that moment, Adam exclaimed that “she is bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh” (Genesis 2:23), thereby describing the holy union of matrimony that would follow the physical act. Marriage is not just a legal document or act, but rather an honorable and sacred institution ordained by God (Hebrews 13:4). It also serves to maintain order and accountability in society.

As society, particularly in the Christian Western world, has increasingly distanced itself from Christianity, the institution of marriage has rapidly deteriorated. Consequently, various forms of immorality have replaced it. The problem has become so severe that societies are now grappling with how to support children from single-parent or fatherless households. As of 2023, worldwide statistics reveal that 50% or more of children are born out of wedlock, indicating that half or more are most likely conceived and born under the curse of the bastard, as described in Deuteronomy 23:2.

God is unequivocally against the sin of fornication (and adultery) or engaging in sexual activities outside the bounds of marriage for obvious reasons. Such actions not only defile and harm the body of those involved, leading to the potential of venereal diseases, but also result in the formation of ungodly soul ties, fragmentation of the spirit and soul, placement of these fragments in places of captivity, the creation of a demonic trade with the man’s sperm, and the transference of all kinds of demons from one person to another. Furthermore, it contributes to societal chaos and causes a significant financial burden on society.

But for the fearful, and unbelieving, and abominable, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, their part shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone; which is the second death. Revelation 21:8 ASV

You may be a born-again Christian who repented of the sin of fornication when you came to the Lord, but you are still struggling with demonic oppression, or you keep dreaming or longing for an old boyfriend or girlfriend. You may be suffering from unresolved soul ties or demons need to be expelled from you. The good news is that you can easily and quickly get deliverance from the courts of heaven.  Having the legal backing of heaven and the angels to enforce the court’s verdict will make a noticeable difference.

Please follow these steps to achieve your deliverance:

      1. Request entry into the Court of Mercy from God the Father.
      2. Repent of your sins, as well as the sins of your bloodline, relating to fornication or adultery.
      3. If applicable, repent for conceiving a child out of wedlock, which brings about the Curse of the Bastard upon the child.
      4. Ask for the blood of Christ to wash away all these sins and iniquities off you and future generations.
      5. Ask The Father to cleanse and sanctify the time and land where the fornication or adultery took place, to restore the land and time and cut ties between the two (or more) of you and the land and the time (Mention the name of your ex-lover(s) as you request this, or ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of their name if forgotten).
      6. Request that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit exercise dominion over your spirit, soul, and body. Ask them to separate your soul from the person(s) with whom you committed the sins of fornication or adultery.
      7. Request that the angels retrieve the soul fragment of your ex-lover(s) that still resides within you and return it to them. Likewise, request that your soul parts, which remain within your ex-lover(s), be brought back to you, in the name of Jesus (Mention the name of your ex-lover as you request this, or ask the Holy Spirit to remind you of their name if forgotten).
      8. Request that the Deliverance Angels remove any demons that have been transferred to you because of these sins of fornication or adultery, in Jesus’ name.
      9. Await the judge’s verdict, thank the court, and exit.
      10. Request access to the Court of Records to receive the verdict’s paperwork.
      11. Access the Court of Angels and provide them with the verdict’s paperwork for execution
      12. Thank them and exit.
      13. Request entry into the Court of Cancellations.
      14. Request the cancellation of all curses related to fornication and/or adultery on you, your child, and your bloodline.
      15. Request the cancellation of the Curse of the Bastard on your child.
      16. Await the verdict, thank the court, and exit.
      17. Access the Court of Restitution.
      18. Request that all blessings lost because of these sins and curses be restored to you and your bloodline, in the name of Jesus.
      19. Await the verdict, thank the court, and exit.        

    You can find more detailed information about the courts of heaven by visiting the Shop section of Loosening

    On this website, you also have the option to schedule an advocacy session with us, during which we can address any accusations, false verdict, lingering human spirits, curses, demonic oppression, sickness, witchcraft or other issues that may be impacting you and your family by seeking resolution in the courts of heaven.

    Salvation Prayer

    If you’re reading this blog, but you are not saved. The Lord Jesus Christ is not your Lord and Savior, and you would like to receive Him now, please say this prayer out loud:

    Lord Jesus, I am a sinner in need of a savior. Lord, would you forgive me of my sins and wash them away with your precious blood, that you shed to pay the penalty for my sins. I believe that you are the son of God and that you died and resurrected on the third day. Come into my heart and life as my Savior and Lord.  With your help, I will live for you until you call me home to heaven to be with you. Thank you, Lord.

    If you prayed that prayer in faith welcome to the family of God. Start reading your Bible and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to provide you with a good church where you can grow in the things of God(s)
