How to Become Free from Spiritual Timing Devices and Taxation


Are there cycles of time in your life where you experience attacks in certain areas? This could be because the enemy has placed timing devices into your God ordained timeline. These timing devices are designed to go off, like a time bomb, at certain months or years, to skew your destiny.

These cycles of negative events have their root in generational iniquity and sin; therefore, it’s imperative that a person clean up their generational line. These devices are placed in the generational timeline. These negative chain of events or cycles are like a taxation or bondage upon the family line. This taxation can be in the form of an attack on your health, money, death, stagnation, etc.

In order to effectively get rid of these timing devices you must:

Court of Covenants

  1. Identify when in the family line or the individual’s life, these timing devices (that cause negative cycles) first started.
  2. You must repent for the sins and iniquities that allowed these devices/taxation to be placed on your timeline.
  3. Ask the Father that the hellish frequency that empowers the timing devices be shorten. When you shorten the frequencies, it can’t reach you.
  4. Step into the Court of Covenants, that is where your covenant with The Father and heaven is. Find out if and where there are timing devices encroaching in your covenant’s timeline. If there are encroachments, the enemy will receive many blows from The Father, as soon as they are identified and dismantled.
  5. Request to see your Covenant Scrolls which show where there are timing devices set against your timeline.
  6. Repent for the sins and iniquities that caused these devices to be set up.
  7. Wait for the judge’s verdict.
  8. Thank the Court and exit.

Small Claims Court

  • Take the paperwork to The Small Claims Court and ask that Wisdom and Counsel be present. This Court is unlike the Small Claims Court on earth. This heavenly court is called by this name, because it is justification for The Father’s claim upon us.
  • Repent if the court points out something else that needs repentance.
  • Request that your timelines be claimed back into covenant with The Father.
  • Claim that your life is in covenant with The Father and heaven, and that you are forgiven.
  • Claim that your times, and seasons no longer have any of those constraints, and that they are fully redeemed in the name of Jesus.
  • Request that your timing devices be placed upon the enemy’s life.
  • Claim the redemption of whatever the court indicates.
  • Ask that the angels destroy all the timing devices that were deactivated because of your repentance in the name of Jesus.
  • Wait for the verdict.
  • Thank the court and exit.

Claim Tickets

The court will then give you claim tickets to be redeemed at the Redemption Center. This is for a covenant renewal of the original design. Here you can claim everything that was lost because of those encroachments into your timeline.

Cancelling Taxation

Another reason for Taxation is because a nation’s Principality demands it of its citizens. As I mentioned before, taxation can be in the form of financial oppression, sickness, death, misfortune, etc.

Court of Cancellations

The following are steps to get rid of taxation:

  • Request access to the Court of Cancellations.
  • Repent for coming into agreement with taxation by this national entity.
  • Repent for any trade made in the soil of that nation or in preparation to visit.
  • Forgive those whose agreement and profane worship, caused the imposition of this tax upon you.
  • Request cancellation of all covenants and covenants hidden within contracts, that you may have intentionally or unintentionally agreed to, by visiting that nation.
  • Request a release from all taxation for you and your generations.
  • Request the cancellation of all ungodly trade, and claims of ownership.
  • Wait for the judge’s verdict.
  • Thank the Court and exit.

Court of Reclamation

  • Access the Court of Reclamation, and ask the court what you should claim back that was lost.
  • Request the restoration of all the Court advises you.
  • Thank the Court and exit.

If you want more details about the courts of heavens and their protocol, visit the shop area of

On this website, you also have the option to schedule an advocacy session with me, during which we can address any accusations, false verdict, lingering human spirits, curses, demonic oppression, sickness or other issues that may be impacting you and your family by seeking resolution in the courts of heaven.

Salvation Prayer
If you’re reading this blog, but the Lord Jesus Christ is not your Lord and Savior, and you would like to receive Him now, please say this prayer out loud:

Lord Jesus, I am a sinner in need of a savior, would you forgive me of my sins and wash them away with your precious blood, that you shed to pay the penalty for my sins. I believe that you are the son of God and that you died and resurrected on the third day. Come into my heart and life as my Savior and Lord.  With your help, I will live for you until you call me home to heaven to be with you. Thank you, Lord.

If your prayed that prayer welcome to the family of God. Start reading your bible and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to provide you with a good church where you can grow in the things of God.
