How to be Free of the Lingering Spirit of a Vanished Twin

How to be free of a vanished twin

Vanishing Twins Syndrome, as it is known in the medical community, refers to the phenomenon of spontaneous death and resorption of one of the twin embryos in utero. According to medical experts, this commonly occurs during the first trimester of pregnancy. This phenomenon is observed in 36% of twin pregnancies and in half of pregnancies with three or more gestational sacs.

Doctors do not have a definitive reason why vanishing twin syndrome occurs, but some possible explanations include:

      • Advanced maternal age (30+)

      • Chromosomal abnormalities in the deceased twin

      • Use of assisted reproductive techniques such as in vitro fertilization.

      • Multiple gestations

      • Abnormal or small gestational sacs

      • Genetic factors and exposure to substances that cause malformation.

    While the physical aspects of vanishing twin syndrome are well-described, the spiritual ramifications are much more complex and profound, impacting the surviving twin throughout their life. In cases of a vanished twin, the spirit of the deceased twin enters the surviving twin or host, leading to various issues. Additionally, the surviving twin may end up with two sets of DNA due to the transfer of genetic material from the deceased twin. As a result, the surviving twin may experience a sense of loss, grief, or emptiness throughout their life. They may exhibit signs of emotional distress such as crying fits or depression, and may even create an imaginary friend in an attempt to fill the void left by their lost twin.

    If the deceased twin was of the opposite sex of the surviving twin or host, their DNA and spirit will influence the physical features, characteristics, and attractions of the living twin. However, this is not a part of God’s design, as it suggests that the deceased twin is living through the surviving twin.

    If the deceased twin is angry or jealous about their untimely death, they may speak harsh and critical words to the surviving twin, hindering their progress and causing confusion, depression, and other ailments. This may lead the surviving twin to hear voices in their head, which, during deliverance sessions, are discovered to be the vanished twin’s voice. In such cases, it is critical to invite God the Father into the deliverance session to remove the vanished twin’s DNA and spirit from the surviving twin, thereby allowing them to live their life free and fulfill their God given destiny.

    The deliverance session should proceed as follows:

        • The surviving twin or the person leading him/her through deliverance, request of The Father

               access into The Court of Titles and Deeds  then into The Court of Records.

        • Ask to see the surviving twin’s Guest Registry to find out if he/she is dealing with the lingering spirit of their vanished twin.  
        • Get confirmation from the Holy Spirit that this is the case.

        • Have the surviving twin address the deceased twin and express their sorrow over their passing in the womb. They should also express that they would have loved to live life together on earth, but that they will be reunited in heaven someday.

        • Remind the deceased twin that God the Father understands their grief, frustration, and sense of futility. Let them know that The Father is the only one who can remove their tears, pain and anger.
        • If the deceased twin is angry at God, tell him/her that God had nothing to do with what happened, that we live in a fallen world where bad things happen, but that he/she must forgive God.

        • Request that God the Father come and separate the DNA and spirit of the deceased twin from the living twin.

        • Ask God the Father to come and open the eternal portal and invite the deceased twin to enter, as He takes him/her home to heaven.

      This is merely an example of how to be free from a vanished twin. Always rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit in these matters.

      For additional information about lingering human spirits, please visit the shop area of We recommend reading Dr. Ron M. Horner’s book, Lingering Human Spirits: Mystery Revealed Vol 1 & 2.

      You may also find Arthur Burk’s, from Sapphire Leadership Group, CDs on Alien Human Spirits and Amanda Buys’ teachings on Kanaan Ministries’ website to be informative resources.

      Salvation Prayer

      If you’re reading this blog, but you are not saved. The Lord Jesus Christ is not your Lord and Savior, and you would like to receive Him now, please say this prayer out loud:

      Lord Jesus, I am a sinner in need of a savior, would you forgive me of my sins and wash them away with your precious blood, that you shed to pay the penalty for my sins. I believe that you are the son of God and that you died and resurrected on the third day. Come into my heart and life as my Savior and Lord.  With your help, I will live for you until you call me home to heaven to be with you. Thank you, Lord.

      If you prayed that prayer in faith welcome to the family of God. Start reading your Bible and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to provide you with a good church where you can grow in the things of God. 
