How to Awaken Your Spirit through the Courts of Heaven


In the book Awakening the Slumbering Spirit, John and Paula Sanford from Elijah House Ministries explain that feelings of disconnection, lack of motivation, or spiritual stagnation might signal a slumbering spirit. This term describes a state in which your inner being feels dormant, often due to emotional pain, trauma, or neglect.

The Sandfords believe that deep wounds or prolonged suppression can cause the spirit to retreat in self-protection, leading to what they call “spiritual slumber.” This state manifests as emotional numbness, a sense of distance from God, or a lack of purpose. In contrast, an awakened spirit energizes your soul and body, fostering emotional wholeness and spiritual vitality.

Awakening a slumbering spirit doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The Sandfords offer practical steps to reconnect with yourself and your Christian faith, such as inviting God’s healing presence, practicing forgiveness, and repenting for personal and generational sins.

To enhance these steps, I incorporate the Courts of Heaven for greater spiritual efficacy and speed. As mentioned in earlier blogs, each court deals with specific areas like healing, deliverance from curses, resolving accusations, etc. Healing cannot happen fully without addressing the spiritual baggage of sin, iniquity, and unresolved spiritual matters in your life and bloodline. Once repented and forgiven, true healing can begin.

Steps to Guide You Through the Process:

Start by asking God the Father to open all necessary courts simultaneously, enabling your spirit to access them as needed. This approach creates a fluid experience as you engage with the Courts of Heaven. Remember, this is a faith-driven spiritual process where faith and trust in God’s guidance are essential.

  1. Invite the healing presence of the Lord Jesus.
  2. Request access to the Court of Records to retrieve your Outstanding Folder. This folder holds unrepented issues affecting you and your bloodline.
  3. If accusations arise, enter the Court of Mercy. Agree with the adversary, according to Matthew 5:25, confess the sin, and ask for forgiveness through Christ’s blood.
  4. For evil bonds on your scroll pages, such as generational abuse, enter the Court of Titles and Deeds. Repent, forgive, and request a Writ of Severance to remove the bond.
  5. Request cancellation of the evil bond from the Court of Cancellations and ask that it be replaced with a godly bond from the Court of Titles and Deeds.
  6. If curses, liens, or oaths exist, cancel them through the blood of Jesus in the Court of Cancellations.
  7. For issues of fragmentation and captivity, address them in the Court of Appeals. Repent for the sin that caused fragmentation. Ask the retrieving angels to use necessary keys or tools to retrieve fragmented parts of your soul, spirit, or DNA. Request that they bring these parts before the Lord for healing and reintegration.
  8. For wounds in your soul, request to enter the Court of Healing and follow the steps outlined in my blog titled ‘How to Heal Spiritual & Emotional Illness at Heaven’s Mental Health Clinic.’
  9. In the Court of Times and Seasons, ask the Lord to recalibrate your timeline according to God’s original plan.
  10. If false verdicts exist, overturn them in the Court of Appeals and request righteous verdicts in their place.
  11. Enter the Court of Angels to present the verdict and instruct them to carry out its directives.
  12. In the court you are in, request that the angels remove any demons or lingering human spirits* causing lethargy, depression, sickness, oppression, or other hindrances. Although the court will issue these instructions, asking actively engages you in co-laboring with the court. This follows the principle of “ask and you shall receive.”
  13. Renew your mind daily through scripture and meaningful worship.

Other issues might arise that are not addressed here, but the court clerk and the Holy Spirit will guide you through your Outstanding Folder and direct you to the appropriate courts.


Awakening your spirit is a profound, transformative process. As you reflect on your spiritual state, consider the practical steps outlined here to address both personal and generational iniquities that contribute to your slumbering state. By inviting God’s healing presence and engaging with the Courts of Heaven, you can remove spiritual hindrances and experience true healing and vitality.

Are you ready to take the first step toward spiritual renewal? Now is the time to awaken the spirit within and step into the fullness of your God-given purpose!


For a deeper understanding of the court processes, refer to the following books: Engaging the Courts for Ownership and Order, Engaging the Mercy Court, Engaging the Courts of Healing and the Healing Gardens, Releasing Bonds from the Courts of Heaven, and Lingering Human Spirits Vol. 1 & 2 by Dr. Ron M. Horner, as well as, Awakening the Slumbering Spirit by John and Paula Sandford. These resources are available in the shop section of

Additionally, you can schedule an advocacy session with us through the same website. During these sessions, we address a wide range of emotional and spiritual issues, including accusations from the enemy, false verdicts, evil bonds, witchcraft, demonic influences, lingering human spirits, sickness, evil altars, captivity, and other matters of deliverance and inner healing affecting you and your family.

Salvation Prayer:

If you have not yet embraced the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior, this is the most important decision of your life. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.” He is the gateway to heaven. If you wish to invite Him into your life, recite this prayer aloud in faith:

“Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a Savior.
I ask for your forgiveness for my sins, and I trust in your precious blood, shed to atone for them.
I believe that you are the Son of God, who died and rose again on the third day.
I now welcome you into my heart and life as my Savior and Lord. With your help and guidance, I commit to living for you.
Thank you, Lord.”

If you prayed this in faith, welcome to the family of God. Begin reading your Bible daily and seek guidance to find a church where you can grow in your relationship with Him.

*Notes: See my blog on Lingering Human Spirits titled: ‘What are Lingering Human Spirits: How They Impact People
