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Mitharism: Becoming Free From It's Influence
Mithraism was an ancient Pagan religion practiced by the Persians (today’s Iranians). Due to its secretive nature, little is known about this religion today. It was commonly depicted by a man slaying...
freedom from slavery via the courts of heaven
How to Break Free from Spiritual Effects of Slavery
Slavery has affected every culture worldwide. Throughout history, nations and empires utilized slaves, particularly in the Americas. Native American Indian populations also experienced slavery prior to...
yoga pexels
How these Six Hindrances Can Stop your Healing
There are certain hindrances that will keep a Christian from receiving the scriptural promise of healing from Isaiah 53:5. The first obstacle is the sin of unbelief, this is a very serious sin because...
wrong doctrine fear
How Does Reformed Theology Make Christians Live in Fear?
Are you living your life with an underlining fear of falling into sin? Are you fearful that God is up there just waiting for you to make a mistake so that he can judge you? Do you see yourself as a wretched...
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