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conquer mountain declarations of victory declaraciones de victoria
How to Rule from Your Mountain
As sons of God, The Lord has bestowed upon us numerous gifts, including our spiritual mountain. Like Caleb’s plea to Joshua, ‘Give me this mountain,’ we are called to occupy and rule...
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How to Create Harmony Between Your Soul, Spirit, and Body
We are made in God’s image – just as He is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, we are spirit, soul, and body. Each part reflects a Trinity member. Like the Trinity’s distinct mind, will, and emotions, our spirit,...
How to Dismantle Assignments from the Courts of Heaven
In the ongoing spiritual battle, more and more Christians find themselves equipped with the powerful approach of engaging the courts of heaven. No longer relegated to a defensive position, believers can...
angelic help, asking angels for help
How to Commission and Co-labor with Angels
I believe that in 2020, we began the countdown towards the end of this era of grace, moving into the Rapture of The Church, the Seven-year Tribulation and Christ’s Millennial Reign on Earth. This accounts...
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