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February 20, 2024
The calling of The Ecclesia or The Lord Jesus Christ’s Church is to bring the principles of the Kingdom of God to Earth and to rule and reign with Christ. The Lord has granted spiritual authority and power...
December 30, 2023
The Bible discusses the altar of the Lord, where many Bible patriarchs brought sacrifices and worshiped God. In imitation, the enemy, Satan, also establishes evil altars against us. These altars often...
November 28, 2023
An accusation, a charge of wrongdoing or incapability, is strategically designed to impede the fulfillment of your destiny in God. Even if you are aware that accusations are unfounded, addressing them...
November 4, 2023
The Lord Jesus Christ has bestowed upon His sons (a spiritual position) the authority to trample upon serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy (Luke 10:19). Furthermore, the Lord has...
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