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How My People Perish for Lack of Knowledge
Unknowingly engaging in sinful practices, some born-again Christians suffer from oppression by the enemy. It opens doors for attacks on them and their family.  Some of these practices include consulting...
What are Lingering Human Spirits: How They Impact People
  The Lord Jesus Christ has been guiding his church from revelation to revelation, particularly in the areas of deliverance and inner healing. Recently, he has been revealing the mystery of lingering...
Courts of Heaven: The New Paradigm of Deliverance
We should not be surprised that heaven is updating Christ’s church deliverance modality in the 21st century. After all, Daniel 12: 4 states that knowledge will increase in the time of the end. What...
Can Born Again Christians be Cursed?
Curses are the consequences of sin and iniquities that come upon a person, family line or people groups.  Curses have perpetuity and remain intact until they are intentionally broken and in the right way. Adam...
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