How to Heal Spiritual & Emotional Illness at Heaven’s Mental Health Clinic


If you’re dealing with issues like a broken heart, non-chemical depression, fear, anxiety, DID, PTSD, or other emotional struggles, God the Father has provided the Heavenly Mental Health Clinic, part of the Courts of Healing and the Healing Garden, to help resolve these concerns.

You, or someone you’ve authorized to pray on your behalf, can enter the Court of Healing to present these concerns before the judge and explain how you’ve been trying to address them. The judge may then advise you on the spiritual matters that need to be resolved before referring you to the Mental Health Clinic. These spiritual issues could include the enemy’s accusations, ownership claims, spiritual liens, generational iniquities, curses, oaths, false verdicts, evil bonds, regions of captivity, and similar obstacles that require attention in the appropriate court. In my previous blog titled ‘How to Obtain your Healing through the Courts of Healing‘, I’ve discussed how to address these spiritual burdens and provided an overview of the Healing Court process itself.

Before visiting Heaven’s Mental Health Clinic, I recommend that you first go to the Court of Records and request to review your Outstanding Folder. This folder will reveal the spiritual matters that need to be addressed in various courts. For example, if you discover that the enemy has accusations against you, you will need to go to the Court of Mercy, agree with the adversary (Matthew 5:25) that the accusation is rooted in sin, and then ask the Lord for forgiveness and for the sin and accusation to be cleansed by His blood. If you find evil bonds on your personal page, such as sickness or poverty, you will then enter the Court of Titles and Deeds to request a Writ of Severance to remove the evil bond and request a Godly Bond to replace it. Don’t worry about the steps involved—the Holy Spirit and the counsel of the court will guide you through the process and show you what to do.

Process Outline

  • Request Access: Begin by asking the Father for permission to enter the Court of Records.
  • Review Your Folder: Ask the Court Clerk to show you your Outstanding Folder. They can read its contents to you if needed.
  • Address Spiritual Issues: Resolve any spiritual issues indicated in the folder by visiting the appropriate courts.
  • Enter the Court of Healing: Once all issues are resolved, request to enter the Court of Healing.
  • Present the Issue: Present to the Judge the mental or emotional issue you or the person you’re interceding for is facing.
  • Explain Your Efforts: Explain to the Judge the steps you’ve taken to heal the issue.
  • Receive Guidance: The Judge may offer recommendations on how to further address the issue.
  • Medical Clinic Referral: The Judge might refer you to the Medical Clinic first if a physical condition is contributing to the emotional or mental distress.
  • Mental Health Clinic Referral: If the Medical Clinic is not necessary, the Judge will direct you to the Mental Health Clinic.
  • Reception Area: Enter the Reception Area of the Mental Health Clinic for treatment.
  • Sign In: Register your presence by signing in.
  • Wait Patiently: Take a seat, drink from the River of Life, and wait to be called into the Consultation Room, where the necessary treatment will be revealed.
  • Treatment Example: For instance, if your soul is scattered in places of captivity, ask for an angel to be given the keys to rescue your soul and bring it to the clinic for restoration and reintegration. Follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the instructions provided at the clinic.
  • Engage the Angels: Remember that angels are also involved in removing demons as you undergo healing. Commission them to remove these entities as you address the spiritual issues underlying the emotional or mental concerns.

Additional Resources:

For more detailed information about the Court of Records and the Mental Health Clinic, I recommend the books Engaging the Courts for Ownership and Order and Engaging the Courts of Healing and the Healing Garden by Dr. Ron M. Horner. These books are available in the shop section of

Additionally, you can schedule an advocacy session with us through the website. During these sessions, we address a variety of emotional and spiritual issues, including evil altars, accusations from the enemy, false verdicts, evil bonds, witchcraft, demonic influences, lingering human spirits, sickness, and other deliverance and inner healing matters affecting you and your family.

Salvation Prayer:

Finally, if you are reading this blog post and have not yet embraced the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord, this decision is the most important decision of your life.  Jesus Christ proclaimed, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.” He is the gateway to heaven. If you wish to invite Him into your life as your savior and Lord, recite this prayer aloud in faith:

“Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a savior.

I earnestly ask your forgiveness for my sins, and I place my trust in your precious blood, shed to atone for my sins.

I believe that you are the Son of God, who died and rose again on the third day.

I now welcome you into my heart and life as my savior and Lord. With your help and direction, I commit to living for you until the day you call me to be with you in heaven.

Thank you, Lord.”

If you have spoken this prayer in faith, welcome to the family of God. Begin by reading your Bible daily and seek the Lord’s guidance to discover a suitable church where you can grow in your relationship with Him.
