How to Remove Hidden Nuptials

breaking hidden nuptials, breaking demonic agreements, breaking satanic agreements

A hidden nuptial is an ungodly spiritual marriage with a person(s), human systems, or demonic entity, binding the individual through conscious or unconscious agreement. It is considered ungodly because this tie creates a dependence on something or someone other than God, which the first commandment condemns (and a tie with a demon is never good).

For example, if a person wants to leave a church after many years but feels they can’t due to the pressure and loyalty demands from the leadership, who may claim they have ‘missed God’ and essentially curse them with charismatic witchcraft for leaving, this represents a hidden nuptial with the church. Especially if, after they leave, physical or other types of attacks happen, watch out—you may be dealing with a hidden nuptial somewhere. Another example is oaths or vows made by ancestors or yourself to demon spouses that inhibit the person from marrying or staying married.

These nuptials affect not only you but also your spouse and children, who are directly connected to you. Therefore, you need to bring a class action suit on behalf of yourself and your family in the courts of heaven to more effectively and expeditiously rid yourselves of these nuptials.

Action Steps:

  1. Request entry into the Court of Records in the name of Jesus.
  2. Once there, request access to the Registry of Nuptials to see all nuptials related to you and your family (if married).
  3. Request entry into the Court of Cancellations in the name of Jesus and:
    • State that you request a class action suit on behalf of yourself and your family to sever ties with __________ (fill in the blank).
    • Request that all hidden nuptials be exposed and canceled.
    • Request the removal of cloaks of deception.
    • Request relief and healing from all ramifications of the ungodly nuptials.
    • Request the removal of any paraphernalia, garments, markings, jewelry such as rings, bracelets, anklets, veils, etc.
    • Request severance from the demons attached to these nuptials (e.g., religious spirit, water spirit, deceit, mammon, etc. Be led by the Holy Spirit).
  4. Request entry into the Court of Reclamation and ask for the seven-fold restoration of all things lost due to the ungodly nuptial (e.g., health, finances, etc.).
  5. Request that the enemy’s camp be plundered.
  6. Ask the court if there’s anything else you need to address for the verdict.
  7. Once you receive the verdict, stretch out your hands to receive it, place it in your heart, thank the court, and exit.

Removing hidden nuptials involves recognizing these ungodly spiritual ties and taking deliberate steps to sever them. By addressing these agreements through prayer, spiritual court actions, and a conscious effort to break free from ungodly dependencies, you can reclaim your spiritual freedom and protect your family’s well-being. Remember, these steps are a spiritual process that requires faith, persistence, and guidance from the Holy Spirit. If you feel burdened by these hidden ties, act today to restore your spiritual health and align yourself fully with God’s purpose for your life.

If you’d like help in stepping into court with you and removing these hidden nuptials and other spiritual bondages and challenges, schedule a session on and we will address these and other spiritual matters hindering you. For further insights into the Court of Records, and other courts, I recommend Dr. Ron M. Horner’s books “Engaging the Courts for Ownership and Order” and “Engaging the Courts of Heaven.” You can find these books in the Shop section of

Salvation Prayer:

Finally, if you are reading this blog post and have not yet embraced the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and lord, this decision is the most important decision of your life.  Jesus proclaimed, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.’  He is the gateway to heaven. If you wish to invite Him into your life as your savior and Lord, recite this prayer aloud in faith:

‘Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a savior.

 I earnestly ask your forgiveness for my sins, and I place my trust in your precious blood, shed to atone for my sins.

I believe that you are the Son of God, who died and rose again on the third day.

I now welcome you into my heart and life as my savior and Lord. With your help and direction, I commit to living for you until the day you call me to be with you in heaven.

Thank you, Lord.’

If you have spoken this prayer in faith, welcome to the family of God. Begin by reading your bible daily, and seeking the Lord’s guidance to discover a suitable church where you can grow in your relationship with Him.

This information, along with additional insights, is based on a blog from Lifespring International.”


  1. Lifespring International Ministries, Blog “Dissolving Hidden Nuptials,”  