How to Bring God’s Kingdom to your City


The calling of The Ecclesia or The Lord Jesus Christ’s Church is to bring the principles of the Kingdom of God to Earth and to rule and reign with Christ. The Lord has granted spiritual authority and power to His Church to permit or prohibit what occurs in a region, whether positive or negative. However, The Church has largely relinquished its role to wicked leaders and counselors, as described in Ezekiel 11, which is why there is so much sin and chaos throughout the earth. The Ecclesia must now, more than ever, step into its proper role to help usher in the great harvest of souls in these last days.

Legislating from the Courts of Heaven

The Ecclesia must begin to legislate on behalf of their city and region through intercession from the courts of heaven, where it is most effective. The Church is the gatekeeper and as such can restrict the spread of wickedness, remove unrighteous rulers, eliminate ungodly policies and legislation, station angelic and natural watchers, remove ungodly gates, and much more.

Preparation and Unity

Before the Ecclesia is established in a region, its members must ensure they have nothing in common with the enemy they are trying to oppose. There must be no sin for the enemy to accuse them of, rendering them ineffective. Repentance is key, and guidance on what to repent from can be sought from the Court of Records. Dealing with personal and bloodline sin before intercession can prevent not only accusations but backlash from the enemy upon the intercessor. Additionally, there must be complete unity during intercession.

Tools for the Battle

The Lord Jesus has equipped the Ecclesia with tools for the regional spiritual battle. He has given us the Patrollers (see Zechariah 1:7-11) and Watchers (Daniel 4:13, 23) whom we need to utilize. The Watchers are angels whose job is to scan the earth for relevant activity and information for the intercessors. The Patrollers are individuals in white linen whose duty is to perform reconnaissance of a territory on behalf of intercessors. There are also chief angels overseeing regions, who have oversight functions over other angels and keep scrolls containing information intercessors can use.  In the courts of heaven complex, there is also the Strategy Room where intercessors can obtain information and insights regarding what they need to deal with that day. Portals are also available through which scrolls containing information needed for intercession or other purposes can be obtained.

Engagement and Intercession

To engage these beings and realms, you must first ask your soul to step back and invite your spirit to come forward and engage the spirit realm. You can learn more about living spirit forward in my previous blog called “How to Live a Spirit Forward Life.” You may sense a shift when you call your spirit forward but remember that this is an act of faith. Proceed by inviting the chief angel, Patrollers, and Watchers to come and engage with you. You may sense their presence. Ask them for information about the region and inquire with the Holy Spirit for the appropriate response, which often includes going to the Court of Mercy, Divine Council, and other courts, as well as repenting for the region and sending forth angels to address evil activities. Let the angels do the heavy lifting, they are better equipped to go toe to toe with demons. Thank the chief angel, Patrollers and Watchers as they resume their duties. Proceed to the intercessory work.

Additional Resources

For more information about how to implement the practices mentioned above, please consider obtaining the book titled “Engaging the Courts for your City” by Dr. Ron M. Horner. This book is available in the shop section of

You can also schedule an advocacy session with us on this website. We address evil altars in your city, personal evil altars, accusations from the enemy, false verdicts, evil bonds, witchcraft, demons, lingering human spirits, sickness, and other deliverance and inner healing matters affecting you and your family.

Salvation Prayer

If you are reading this blog post and have not yet accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and lord, this decision is crucial for your life. Jesus declared, ‘I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.’ He is the gateway to heaven. If you desire to welcome Him into your life as your savior and Lord, recite this prayer aloud in faith:

‘Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I humbly ask for your forgiveness of my sins, and I trust in your precious blood, shed to atone for my sins. I believe that you are the Son of God, who died and rose again on the third day. I invite you to enter my heart and life as my savior and Lord. With your help and guidance, I will live for you until the day you call me to be with you in heaven. Thank you, Lord.’

If you have prayed this prayer in faith, welcome to the family of God. Begin by reading your Bible daily and seeking the Lord’s guidance to find a suitable church where you can nurture your relationship with Him.

Note: All scripture references are taken from the NKJV.
