How to Rule from Your Mountain

conquer mountain declarations of victory declaraciones de victoria

As sons of God, The Lord has bestowed upon us numerous gifts, including our spiritual mountain. Like Caleb’s plea to Joshua, ‘Give me this mountain,’ we are called to occupy and rule from our spiritual mountain (Joshua 14:12-15). Similar to a natural mountain holding resources, our spiritual mountain contains what we need to fulfill our divine purpose, or scroll, in advancing God’s kingdom on Earth (Haggai 1:8; Psalm 72:16). Ask the Holy Spirit what resources have been provided to you.

If you’re unsure about the contents of your scroll, remember that God has placed it within your heart. Identify your passions and persistent thoughts—they may provide clues. You can also access your scroll in the Court of Records, to the extent permitted. Ensure alignment with God’s timeline by visiting the Court of Times and Seasons; if misaligned, request angelic assistance for proper adjustment. I’ve explored the topic of spiritual sight for navigating in the heavenly realms and other divine courts in my previous blogs.

You can obtain the revelation of God’s plan and instruction you need from your mountain (Exodus 19:3; Exodus 3:1-22). Once there, proclaim God’s destiny for regions and assert your rulership over earthly situations. Remember, we are spiritual kings, and as such, we issue decrees to align earthly matters with heavenly realities (Job 22:28). From our mountain, we also herald the extraordinary arrival of God’s presence on Earth in these last days (Isaiah 40:9). We must also declare God’s promises over ourselves from His Word, both Logos and Rhema. Just as natural mountains reveal God’s splendor and power, our spiritual mountain signifies an elevated realm of our authority and triumph over the adversary.

Spend time praying in tongues and worshiping; this helps you enter the heavenly realm. Then, request the Lord to reveal your mountain and guide you there. Seek His counsel on dealing with the demonic entity occupying your mountain due to your absence. He will provide you with a weapon, like a sword, to destroy the enemy. Afterward, ask Him to sanctify your throne by sitting upon it. Assume your seat and start declarations and decrees. Seek Holy Spirit’s guidance on what to decree.1

conquer mountain
declarations of victory
declaraciones de victoria

The following is a sample declarations and decrees2:

  • I speak peace
  • No weapon formed against_(your name)________shall prosper and every tongue raised up against (your name)______is condemned already
  • Break in pieces the iron and fetters
  • Send chaos into darkness and they will fall by their own swords
  • I speak a scattering as the wind
  • Whips at their heels nips at their tongue that silences them
  • I speak lightning bolts of righteousness at the base of this mountain
  • Scattering the tempest and whirlwinds of hail and fire
  • Tsunamis of living water
  • The names of God, the breath from his nostrils
  • Hailstones, the razor that brings shame
  • the sword of the Lord
  • I send the angelic host of heaven’s armies to render this in Jesus’ name


  • I release the light of The Glory, the sound of Jesus’ name
  • Rushing waters, the joy and the peace, the sounds of life and that more abundantly
  • We release judgement to the enemy, and the books of the kings and priests upon the people
  • The light of His Glory, the binding of the strongman
  • The casting out into Utter Darkness those who have set their face flinted against The Lord, against YAHWY, in Jesus’ name


  • We release the Winds of Change, the Mighty Wind from the Breath of the Lord, the Winds from His Dark Corners, the Wind of His Might, the Winds of Opportunity, the Whirlwinds of Heaven

Expect the Lord to hand you the blueprint to your mountain. Take it and wrap it around your mountain. Ask the Father to bless your blueprint.

Resources and Support:

To learn more about your spiritual mountain and sonship get the book ‘Moving Toward Sonship – Becoming Sons of the Father’s Design, by Dr. Robert Rodich, available in the shop section of .

On this website, you can also schedule an advocacy session to address inner healing issues, exorcise demons, the enemy’s accusations, false verdicts, evil bonds, lingering human spirits, sickness, witchcraft, and other matters that affect you and your family.

Salvation prayer:

If you’re reading this blog post and haven’t accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and Lord yet, but desire to receive him, recite this prayer out loud in faith:

“Lord Jesus, I acknowledge that I am a sinner in need of a savior. I ask you to forgive my sins and cleanse them with your precious blood, which you shed to pay the penalty for my sins.

I believe that you are the son of God and that you died and rose again on the third day. I invite you to come into my heart and life as my savior and Lord.

With your help, I will live for you until the day you call me to heaven to be with you. Thank you, Lord”.

If you prayed this prayer in faith welcome to the family of God. Start reading your Bible and ask the Lord to provide you with a good church where you can grow in your relationship with Him.

Note 1-  Book: Moving Toward Sonship – Becoming Sons of the Father’s Design by Dr. Robert Rodich

Note 2- Sample Decree from Jesus to Stephanie S. of Lifespring International

Note 3- Scriptures from Authorized King James Version (AKJV)
