How to Break Witchcraft from the Courts of Heaven


A powerful, effective, and simple way to deal with witchcraft and all other forms of evil that may arise in your life is by first entering the Court of Titles and Deeds to view your Bond Registry located within the Court of Records. You can find the evil bonds that have been issued against you by hell and its human partners, such as witches, or other individuals who speak negatively about you or upon you. These bonds can also arise from iniquities within your bloodline or from words you speak over yourself unconsciously, or in agreement with the enemy.

A bond is a legal deed or agreement in which one party is obligated to pay the other. It is like a restrictive band around a person’s life. The bonds may be related to witchcraft, sickness, poverty, lack, misfortune, confusion, theft, family disagreements, quarrels, gossip, dishonor, division, scarcity, derision, cloaking, etc. The Bond Registry is like a ledger. The evil bonds are listed on the right side while the godly bonds issued by the saints to one another are listed on the left. Just like a godly bond releases kingdom resources to an individual, an evil bond releases all of hell’s resources to that individual. Witches commonly issue bonds on individuals, churches, businesses, and even government officials.

The following are the steps to get rid of witchcraft and other evil bonds:


      • Request access to the Court of Titles and Deeds, to see your Bond Registry in the Court of Records.

      • After you’ve identified in the Bond Registry, the evil bonds issued against you, request a Writ of Severance for each of the evil bonds.

      • Forgive, bless, and release those by whom the bonds were established.

      • Request that this Writ of Severance also be applied to all those who were attached to the bond by blood, marriage, adoption, civil or religious covenant.

      • Repent if the Court points out any sin you should repent of (could be your sin or the bloodline’s).

      • Then step into the Court of Cancellations to request the cancellation of each of the evil bonds and all associated writs going all the way back to when they were first established.

      • Forgive, bless, and release those who established the bond and ask that the blood of Christ wash it away as if it never were.

      • Have another saint release over you a godly bond opposite to the evil bond, as you cancel the evil bond. For example, if the evil bond was for fear have another saint release a bond of the love of God.  You may be asking, can I release the godly bond upon myself, the answer given to Dr. Ron M. Horner, who is the pioneer when it comes to Bonds, is no. You can cancel the evil bonds, but another saint must issue the godly bond upon you. This way there is collaboration in the body of Christ. 

      • Ask the court that the deliverance enforcer angels come with chains and the bags of all size and colors to remove all demons associated with these evil bonds, witches’ soul part that may be in you.

      • Request that the plundering angels come to remove you from any place of captivity and caldrons or dimensions where witches and demons have put you, your parts or anything belonging to you.

      • Request that your parts be restored to you and healed.

      • Request that the angels place booby traps around you and what belongs to you, so that when a witch comes to try and place an evil bond they get trapped and aren’t able to proceed.

      • Proceed into the Court of Restitution and request the restoration of all things lost because of these ungodly bonds.

      • Wait for the Judge’s verdict, thank the court and exit.

    If you want more information about the Bond Registry, and angels with bags of all size and colors go to the Shop section of this site and get the books: 1) “Releasing Bonds from the Courts of Heaven” and 2) “Engaging Angels in the Realms of Heaven”, 3) “Commissioning Angels Vol. 1”.  Furthermore, the second book on Lingering Human Spirits elaborates on the diverse types of bags.

    Salvation Prayer

    If you’re reading this blog, but the Lord Jesus Christ is not your Lord and Savior, and you would like to receive Him now, please say this prayer out loud:

    Lord Jesus, I am a sinner in need of a savior, would you forgive me of my sins and wash them away with your precious blood, that you shed to pay the penalty for my sins. I believe that you are the son of God and that you died and resurrected on the third day. Come into my heart and life as my Savior and Lord. With your help, I will live for you until you call me home to heaven to be with you. Thank you, Lord.

    If you prayed that prayer welcome to the family of God. Start reading your Bible and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to provide you with a good church where you can grow in the things of God.
