How to Break Free from Spiritual Effects of Slavery

freedom from slavery via the courts of heaven

Slavery has affected every culture worldwide. Throughout history, nations and empires utilized slaves, particularly in the Americas. Native American Indian populations also experienced slavery prior to the arrival of African and Irish individuals in the United States. Accordingly, slavery has always been a part of human history, and its effects are still evident today.

Let’s shift our attention to the African American community in the United States, for a moment. Unfortunately, these individuals still face the same limitations that slavery imposed upon their ancestors. Slaves were denied the right to own property, receive education, or establish their businesses. Moreover, separation often resulted in families being torn apart. Women were conditioned to rely on their slave owners for protection and care. Prior to being sold in African ports, these individuals underwent a witch doctor’s incantation meant to make them forget their past and identities, leading them to adopt the identity assigned to them by their masters. These are just some of the atrocious experiences endured by these enslaved individuals.

On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln put an end to the buying and selling of slaves through the Emancipation Proclamation. However, this proclamation failed to address the legality of previous bills of sale. Consequently, many African Americans still feel as though they are in a state of bondage.

Our physical actions carry consequences in the spiritual realm, and vice versa. Unfortunately, the neglect of addressing the legal bills of sale from before January 1, 1863, has allowed Satan, the enemy of humanity’s soul, to keep the descendants of slaves in bondage to this day.

As previously noted, slavery has had an impact on every culture worldwide. Therefore, regardless of one’s cultural background, the spiritual aspect of slavery must be addressed, whether one’s ancestors were slaves or slave owners. Although other obstacles in life are commonly tackled through Christian deliverance sessions, slavery is seldom addressed.

If you have experienced any of the following problems, it’s possible you are still under the spiritual bondage of slavery, which has yet to be removed:

    • I struggle to get promoted at work

    • I can’t start or constantly fail at business

    • I struggle to get an education

    • Fatherless children are part of my bloodline

    • I feel forced to always work for someone else

    • I struggle with a sense of self worth

    • I struggle with my identity

    • I can’t get ahead

    • I struggle with getting a home

    • Illogical fear of people taking things from you

    • Illogical fear of being raped or beaten

    • No one marries or stays married

Fortunately, it’s possible to nullify all outstanding bills of sale, ownership claims, and curses associated with slavery by accessing the courts of Heaven. Through His death and resurrection, the Lord Jesus Christ has made it possible for us to attain genuine freedom in all areas of our lives (Galatians 5:1).

If your ancestors happened to be slaves or slave owners, I request that you recite this deliverance prayer aloud:


I ask my soul and body to rest and step back, and my spirit to come forward as I step into the heavenly realms through Christ Jesus. Father, in the name of Jesus, I request access to the Court of Titles and Deeds.

Just Judge, I come on behalf of my ancestors who were slaves, and I request that all the bills of sale for my enslaved ancestors be brought forward in the name of Jesus. (Receive the paperwork).

Your honor I present this paperwork to you and ask that the blood of Jesus would satisfy every bill of sale, cancel every ownership claim, curse, and bring me and my linage freedom from this slavery in Jesus’ name.

By an act of my will I choose to forgive, bless and release the slave owners, their families, spouses, foreman, overseers, in Jesus’ name. 

Your honor, I repent for my ancestors cursing the slave owner, their family, plantation, and animals. Forgive us for placing those curses upon them and their linage. I ask that they be released from every curse. I forgive, bless, and release them, in Jesus’ name.

I also forgive, bless, and release those dominating tribes who kidnapped my ancestors and sold them into slavery.

I ask forgiveness for hatred of other races or ethnic groups because of what they did to my ancestors. I choose to forgive them in the name of Jesus.

Your honor, I ask that every outstanding ownership claim or lien against me and my linage, due to slavery, be released to you, Lord of Host. You are my rightful Owner, Lord, and I am your bond slave in Jesus Christ’s name. I request that you grant me and my lineage a new title of ownership for both my father’s and mother’s side.

Where my ancestors and their land were claimed by the Catholic Church or King/Queen of Spain, I request a new title of ownership with you being the owner.  I forgive, bless, and release them of their wrongdoing in this matter, in Jesus’ name.

Just judge, I ask in Jesus’ name that I and my future generations be released from the bondages of slavery today________. (Date)

I request a certificate of freedom in Jesus’ name. (Receive the certificate into your heart)

In the name of Jesus, I request a restoration of identity as your son, and that whatever was stolen from my lineage be replaced with the identity that You have for us.


Your honor I request angelic assistance to come as I remove the shackles from off my neck, writs, waist, ankles, chastity belt, and I give them to the angels for destruction.  I request complete release to my realms, in Jesus’ name.

I call my angels to come near, and I request that if any be enslaved or in chains, because of my bondage to slavery, that other angels come and set them free. I request that any blinders placed over my eyes that made me tolerate the life of bondage that I’ve been living, be removed in Jesus’ name.

I ask for healing of all trauma to my body, soul, spirit, down to my DNA. I receive wholeness now according to Isaiah 53:5. 

I request the amendment “As If It Never Were” and the amendment “Of The Sword of the Spirit” in Jesus’ name.


I ask the court,  what can I rightfully reclaim? Listen and reclaim what you hear.

For example, Just judge, I reclaim for me and my generations lands that were stolen from my slave ancestors, I reclaim business opportunities, homes, education, careers, giftings, inheritances, identity, honor, validation, etc.


Just Judge, I request the removal of any legally binding paperwork of indentured servitude. I request the removal of ownership, livelihood claims and claims on the ability to make wealth, upon me and my generations.

I declare Deuteronomy 28:3 & 13 over myself and my generations; I’m the head and not the tail and I’m blessed in the city and in the field.


Your honor, I request the satisfaction of every sharecropper lien by the blood of Jesus.  I repent for my ancestors violating the agreement and cheating the owner, I ask the blood of Jesus to cleanse that sin.  I forgive owners that cheated my ancestors, I bless and release them.

Let the court work done here today be applied to everyone related to me by blood, marriage, adoption, civil or religious covenant. Let it be applied all the way back and all the way forward as far as it needs to be applied in Jesus’ name.

I forgive, bless and release those who oppressed and tried to destroy my generations from the face of the earth. I request freedom from every hold or limitation that’s been placed upon me and my generations in Jesus’ name.

I request that every form of taxation upon me and my generations be cancelled in Jesus’ name.  I also request the cancellation of all false verdicts and curses released by slave owners upon the slaves.  I forgive, bless, and release them. Let those false verdicts be replaced with righteous verdicts.

I ask for an overturning of false verdicts regarding Satanic timelines. I ask that the claim of ownership by the enemy of my timeline be overturned.  Let every Satanic timeline superimposed be destroyed by God’s holy fire.  I call for the angels to come and stretch out my timeline according to my scroll of destiny and remove all the wrinkles from my timeline, in Jesus’ name.


For more information about the courts of heaven, check out the books in the shop section of this website.

Prayer by Dr. Ron M. Horner & Kevin Boehmer
