Courts of Heaven: The New Paradigm of Deliverance


We should not be surprised that heaven is updating Christ’s church deliverance modality in the 21st century. After all, Daniel 12: 4 states that knowledge will increase in the time of the end. What the Lord told Daniel to conceal is now being revealed, and this is likely due to the fact that we have entered a new era, the Kingdom Age, where new strategies of warfare can be added and entrusted to a more mature church of Christ. Satan has stepped up his game, and God is prepared to meet him head-on and checkmate him every time.

The enemy, Satan , is our legal opponent who accuses the brethren before the courts of heaven in order to devour them ( I Peter 5:8). To this day, the church has been losing court cases in heaven by default, permitting the enemy to win and gain the legal right to keep attacking the church.

The Lord Jesus Christ however, taught us the revelation of going to God the judge at the courts of heaven in Luke 18:2-3, as well as, Christ being our advocate before the father in I John 2:1; but the eyes of the church had been closed to this revelation and its application until recent times. Daniel 7:10 also talks about the courts of heaven stating: “A river of fire was flowing, coming out from before him. Thousands upon thousands attended him; ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. The court was seated, and the books were opened” (NIV 1973). 

Many believers are now entering the various courts of heaven, reviewing their books or registries, to find out what accusations or cases the enemy has pending against them, and resolving them by the blood of Jesus. There are several types of courts in heaven each with a specific protocol, these include the Court of Mercy, Titles and Deeds, Appeals, Small Claims, Cancellations, Healing and many more.  It is impossible to specify all the details about each court in this short blog, but there is more information available in the shop section of this website. 

As believers approach the courts of heaven daily through the blood of Jesus, they will be more effective and get quicker resolutions to the things that ail them. Hebrews 12:23 tells us that God is the judge of all and he wants us to come to Him so He can declare us innocent (Isaiah 45:26), as we confess our guilt and apply His son’s blood to whatever claims the enemy has.  Jesus Christ’s blood is still speaking on believer’s behalf (Hebrew 12:24). He is our advocate and by His blood we overcome the enemy (Revelation 12:11). 

I pray that the church at large begins to use the courts of heaven to get their problems legally resolved by the Just and Righteous Judge. The application of this revelation will result in a deeper, quicker and enduring deliverance for many hurting people. 
